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From the moment of pushing open the school doors on Monday there was constant whispering, constant looks and giggles.

It really is how they make it out to be in movies. The average person doesn't point out every single person that's talking bad about them in a day. But in the movies it really enhances the mind into understanding that, what looks to be over dramatic is actually very relevant.

It's the feeling of almost breaking down in the middle of the hall that's overly dramatized in the movies. The feeling is more of not knowing where to turn. You loose your sense of direction in all the rumors. In all the whispers. It builds up and eventually you yourself are talking bad things about you. You start to believe the rumors.

I wouldn't let myself get to that point.

Everyone was talking about me getting expelled. Some say that I already had and I was going to get arrested for coming back. Others said that they heard from their cousin's boyfriend's sister who was friends with the principle's dog's mother in law, that I was getting expelled today.

But the bright side of high school was that everyone was one hundred percent full of shit. And nobody actually knows what they're talking about as long as they're fitting in with the crowd. Ashely's crowd.


Brits long black hair brushed my arm as she rushed to stand next to my locker

"Did you see Jace and Ashely? She's been hanging all over him. I think they hooked up again or something."

"They did"

"That doesn't bother you?"

I shrugged and closed my locker with my books in one arm.

Gradually over last week I let Brit know what was going on with Jace and I. The stop buys at my house. The asshole moves he was making. She's on this hunch that I have a thing for him. But it's far from it at this point. He was attractive until I knew the type of guy that he was.

Although there was nothing real about Brit, from her hair to her eye color. She was a good person. Well liked by everyone. But she was different. She didn't let her popularity go to her head, making her open minded to the people the she talks to. She is the only one that'll actually talk to me without trying to find out some kind of information about my life to start rumors.
She was the only one that I started to trust. And even then, I will only open up so far to her.

She followed me down the hall

"I'm having a party this weekend. You comin?"

"Not if I get expelled"


"Because my parents won't let me come out of my room until I'm forty if I do"

"When do you find out if you're getting expelled or not?"

"Fourth hour"

She scrunched up her pale face "yikes, good luck- I'll see you later love- text me tonight when you know"

She branched off from me and joined some other people in the hall.

I was preparing for an even worse day than usual. And not knowing what was going to happen was killing me.

Fourth hour came quicker than expected. Unfortunately. And from the minute my name was announced over the intercom my hands shook. This was it. I either get disowned by my own parents, or get another rant. And either way there wasn't an ounce in my favor in the situation.

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