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if yall have any requests of adventures jace and margo should go on please message me asap! id love to incorporate others ideas!
also if you haven't checked out my last update please do:)
that's all


"They've played this song a few times now"

"Yeah, DJ really sucks." My voice raises over the music. Attempting to help it travel to the next bar stool besides me.

"Not as bad as the one last night" Jace slides the shot glass back to the bartender, indicating for another.

"Whats up with the shitty Redding clubs?" My words roll together unaware of the amount of alcohol consumed the second night in a row.

"I suppose that's enough for us both" He takes the shot, dragging me back within the crowd of dancing people.

My skin presses aginst the warmth of others. Dresses riding up and buttons coming unbuttoned. As body's move, the sight of the familiar tall, blonde haired boy fades. And I'm trapped between a frat boy and a grinding couple.

I turn to the guy, dispite the lack of direction. Dancing on him as he lets me stumble. Grabbing my hips to steady me.

I get lost, in a sense of sexual tension and loud music. Colored lights flashing, I fell into the music deeply.

So the shock of hands gripping onto my arm fades. Too lucid to understand.

"We need to get you home"

"Nah this guy is hot"

The guy continues to pull my body on himself. The tension being freed between us as I'm pulled away by Jace.

I laugh in response as he guides us swiftly through the people and out of the sweaty building.

"Getting bored?"

"Very" he sighs, feeling a little unstable himself.

"You wanna go shopping?"

"You hate shoping. And it's one in the morning."

My eyes widen as I grip onto the inner side of his arm.
"We could hit another club. There's one down there" I indicated with my nudge down the street ahead of us. But he shakes his head.

"Lets go home."



"Second hangover in a row?" Jace chuckles. I gesture the pain with hands clamping on my head. Resembling the long previous night.

"Your fault for introducing me to fake ID's" I watch from under the sheets as he pulls his soft grey t-shirt over his head.

"I have to go to work... I'll be back later tonight. You gonna be okay by yourself?"

"I think I'll manage" I stiffly chuckle, standing from the sheets within oversized sweatpants. "Where you working today?"

"Busting tables at the pub. Starbucks after three"

"What time does your shift end?"

"Nine." He slings his backpack over his shoulder. Light from only containing work clothes.
"You working today?"

"I should probably take the shift at the cafe today... but i dont know, you've got me kind of addicted to this whole off work thing"

"Play sick again then. Three days won't make a difference. Are you off tomorrow?"

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