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My emotionless body forces my hands upwards to drag across the metal bars down the rucased hall.

May 27, 2018 I was convicted of assault and battery. Sentenced six months jail time in the local juvie. And as quick as that, I was alone.

It took almost a month to go through six trials, only for me to be sent to some run down, girls prison of phycopathic PMSing children who sell pot and bang married men.

Twelve days down and I begin to loose track of time. My body is so quiet and humble, the gaurds are less pushy on me than others; causing the name of Prissy Pants to spread among the three other girls in my cell. But pretty soon I don't have a name at all.

I've made no friends, afraid to get my neck snapped by someone I would piss off. And for the first time in my life, I felt myself making up conversations in my head; just to keep myself alive.

I sit down in the corner of the tables. I glance around in small looks. People that are here aren't eating the slop on their plates, because everyone knows that if you eat things that look like puke; it'll come back up looking like puke too. Everyone, that is, except for me.

The first couple days were hell bent over the toilets. Taking showers, having no room for confidence because you're stripped down of search regardless of how self consious you are.

But as the days have past and my body is adapting, I still sulk on missing my home. My privacy and my family.

I start to feel my body thin from the lack of food consumed- but between the choice of starvation, or tasting whatever I eat twice, I'd take not eating anyday.

"Porter, right?"

My head turns at the rough voice behind me. Her beige jumpsuit rolled up on the leaves to the top of her shoulders; showing the unprofessional tattoos that covered them. A dark vibrant red pixie cut framed her slimmed face. Nobody I had know or seen recently.


"Yeah yeah, Ive heard things about you".

"Okay?" My voice becomes short and snappy

Her eyebrows raise, "Didnt mean to piss in your cornflakes, jeez. It was something about having a sexy new-commer"

"Please." My eyes roll, the tray of potato soup is pushed between me and the girl getting comfy next to me

"Serious" She grins, "But you're quiet... this your first time?"

"What? Being in juvie or being hit on by another girl?"

She smiles, eyes piercing. "You see that girl over there?" She motions to the short black girl with long thick hair across the cafeteria.

I nod.

"That's my girl- we ain't dating yet- but we fuck in the showers. I may hit on you, but it doesn't go much further than that. We're working on this 'staying loyal' shit " Her eyes roll.

I find myself only being able to nod.

"Anyone coming for you today? It's visiting hours" She grins.

"Nah, my parents are kind of pissed at me

"What you in for?"

"I got into a fight with this girl.."

"No shit- did ya' kill her?"

"No. Her family pressed charges"

Its silent between us, I look down at my untouched food, anticipating the gaurd to throw us all back in our cells at any moments time.

"You'll make it out" Her tone was smiling.


"Ive been in here since I was 12 years old, almost six years later I'm getting ready to be transfered into an adults prison. I've seen a lot of people come and go, you're one of them."

"I have six months"

"Nah you're quiet, good behavior you'll be out in two months- three tops."

My mouth opens to protest, but nothing comes out. My lips close as I swallow my words.

"Margo Porter"

Our glances go behind us. I look at the gaurd.

"You have a visitor"

I glance back at the girl as she raises her eyebrows at me. I get up from the table, my arm being caught.

"My names Kat" She grins "You ever need anything... you know where to find me"

Her wink causes my body to become uncomfortable. Her pieced tongue licked between her lips as I leave.

I watch the gaurd walk in front of me as we walk into the small room. A room of chairs in front of plexiglass windows, phones hanging on each wall cubical.

"Last center"

My eyes follow the man's words. Unable to see the other side of the window at the angle I was at, my heart fluttered at the thought of seeing my parents again. I was home sick, I missed their nags, no matter how many times I wanted out of that house.

My eyebrows frow as I sit in the chair. A smile forming across my face as I stare at the familiar structured face.

I pick up the phone, his already held up to his face.

"Hey M.."

"Sammy" I grin "What are you doing here?"

"Brit told me what happened, figured you'd want some company"

I smile, awing at his ever-so-perfect dimples as he grins.

"Heard you're doing four months?"

"Six" I nod

"Damn kid. Turning reckless on me huh?"

"You're one to talk"

He chuckles lightly "You got me there... has Squints come to see you?"

My smile fades as I shake my head, " I told him I don't need him to fuck with me anymore...Hes with Ashley."

"He banged them bailed you?"

"Pretty much" I hum.

"I'll talk to him"

"Won't matter anyway. I don't want him here."

"...I'll be here every Monday okay?"

"Make it every other Monday, im not doin that bad"

"Fair enough M"

I feel the presence of the gaurd behind me.

"I think my times up" I huff through the phone.

"Dont get too crazy in there okay?"

"No promises"

He grins "Love you kid"

"Love you too Sam"

I hang up the phone, letting the gaurd lead me back to my clamy cell.

Truth be told, I was afraid. Afraid of loosing myself, or becoming someone's bitch. I wouldn't do either.

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