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I had to change Jaces parents names from their real ones because it can be false accusations ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But long and sorta emotional chapter. Enjoy:)
April 22, 2018

I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

It's ironic how every person that's ever stepped foot in this room has had to say the same words, the same sentence and yet, the room whispers with old lies.

The room was wet, hot, sucking the moisture from my lips. The few benches behind the tables that
Mrs. Norman and Jace sat at were empty, except for one seat in the far right, mine.

The loud ticking of the clock was the only thing that could dare to make a noise, the air stood still from circulating, and the scent of lemon Pledge was overwhelming. But nothing prepared me for who had came through the tall wooden doors.

A man, dressed professionally in a suit, clean cut, lean and tall. His eyes watching me as he passes, Jaces eyes.

I study Jace and his mom as his dad makes his way to the other sides table.

The words "Hey son" smile from his mouth, the Norman's watch him, both leaving the same expression on the smirking man.

Blank, empty, but filled with hate, and fear.

As we rise for the judge to enter, I glance at his dad's attorney. Rich looking man, but unorganized.
How did he have money for an attorney like this.

Two attorneys on the other side. One for Mrs.Norman, his name was Mike, he had asked me a few questions about being a witness of the trial, the only way I was allowed in, and the other as a law guardian, Jaces attorney.

The trial begins, my foot silently hops up and down from the floor, causing the empty bench to send vibrations through the rest of them.

"Your honor we'd like to request a dispositional hearing due to Mr.Normans past relations with the defendant"

The judge watches Mike,
"Request accepted. Let's move on with the case."

Mrs.Norman whispers to Mike as he's seated. The back of his head nods, as he stands once more.

"The defense calls Ryan Lee Norman to the stand"

I watch his dad straighten his suit and proceed his way up to the wooden stand, as he sits, his smiles at his son. Mike places himself on the other side of the stand, pacing.

"Mr. Norman. Is it true, that your past relationship with both defendants was what you would call, an abusive relation?"

"I wouldnt say abusive"

"Really? Because that's not what the evidence in folder A suggests now is it?"
Mike hands the folder to the judge, she looks through them as he proceeds.
"Every bruise, scratch, broken bone that you've caused to my clients are recorded in photographs, not to mention your police report of the night you were arrested? Let's go over it shall we?"

Mike hands the judge yet another folder as he reads through his own copy.

"Says here that you were highly intoxicated. Bruises on your wife and son to include their arms, neck, bruising to the eye and cheek, bleeding nose and broken wrist. Is this correct Mr. Norman?"

"Yes but it was almost seven years a-"

"Just a simple yes will do. Is it true, that your daughter passed from an overdose in the fall of 2013?"

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