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"So Prissy, that blondy that stops by every week, he your boy toy?"

I pant, sprawled out in the grass next to the table that the girls circled every day.
"Sam? No. Just a friend"

"Does that mean I can hop on that?"

"In five years when you get out Bronx, sure" I stand, joining the center of the group. Legs sore from running.

"You got someone special?" Mavis runs her clamy fingers through my braids.

"Not anymore- no"


"Long story"

"We're in prison hun, no story is too long" Bronx's thin eyebrows wiggle.

" 'sides, whatever guy wouldn't want to get with this body is fucked up in the head." Mavis pulls at the bottom of my beige, boxy tshirt. Revealing my stomach.

"Shit man, if I had abs like that"

I roll my eyes at Manny's comment, an African American drug trader, she used to hit the gym everyday before she got in, her body proved it. The very faint outline of mine were nothing to hers.

"So tell us about the douche head"

"His name's Jace"

"Boy's got a white ass name" Bronx snorts.

"He basically talked to me until I'd have sex with him, made me think we were something, then slept with one of my friends"

"Shit Priss- that sucks"

" 'least he didn't bring the whole lovey dovey shit into it, can't stand guys like that" Mavis's eyes roll.

"He did."

"Oh hell no"

"Anyway, I'm over it"

"I'd say go fuck one of his friends- that's what I did to my sugar daddy, made me feel better" Bronx grins

"Nah, no point in gettin on his level- besides, he knows I could fuck his friend if I wanted to, it's enough for him"

"You'll take him back"

"Excuse me?"

"White bitches always go back to their daddies"

I smile at Manny. "I dont think so this time"

"Well, if not... find me" Mavis winks, snobbing back to her conversation with a few other girls.

I glance around, my sweaty skin sticking to the cloth of my clothes. My eyes glue to Kat, she stands on the side of the building, nudging me to her woth her eyes.

I leave the group silently, not wanting to draw attention to where I was heading. My press my back aginst the wall next to her. It's silent as she breathes in.

"How's your time been so far?"

"Better than I thought" My body shrugs.

"You have three months left?"


"Four" She whispers, nodding. "Well, it'll go by in a blink. Trust me"

"Can I ask you something?"

"If it's how I got here, it's a conversation for another time"

I nod slowly, placing my hand aginst the wall.

"Do you miss home?"

"Dont want to go back" I swallow "My dads a dick, and my moms gone so"

"Thats tough" Her mummbles hide her past life, something much worse. Her hand rests on mine. I flinch as she moves her fingers back and forth on my skin.

"That boy that keeps visiting you? He a friend?"

"Seems like everyone knows about him huh?"

She shakes her head "Just saw him when you were in there, my Aunt Anna came to visit me, the only visit I've ever had actually. I saw you guys."

"Oh... yeah he's a friend."


"Mmm, more like brother" I laugh lightly, carefully pulling my hand away from hers.

She notices; watching me.
"My girl and I, we ain't together no more"

My eyebrows frow, "why?"

"She was fuckin someone else" She licks her lips, wetting them from the dry heat.
"She'd always talk about gettin married when we got out of here... Guess she realised I wasnt ever gettin out of here... moved on"

I look over at her, knowing that she knew I needed more than that.

She sighs,
"I killed my parents when I was younger, my two brothers too"

"Shit Kat" My eyebrows raise "Thats serious shit."

"Yeah, no shit Porter" She gloomfully smiles, "I miss them... every day"

"Why'd you do it?... kill them, I mean"

Her head shakes "A cry out of attention? I had a fucked up childhood... its the only thing I can think of."

Silence veils us as we enjoy the small amount of time outdoors that we have.

"What do you miss most? About the outside?"

"From what I remember of it? The park... with my dad. We'd go on walks in the sand, get ice cream. I always complained I was too old for it, but deep down I, I loved it."

Her voice grew weakly silent, the memorise flooding within her.

"What about you huh?" She sniffs "What do you miss?"


She laughs through her tears, "You a smoker?"

"Not until about a year or so ago. Nothing hard, cigarettes, a blunt every now and then... but i miss it. Hanging out with people I felt like I belong with"

"You need to talk to him."


"Your boy...I heard you, earlier walking by. Does he mean a lot to you?"

"I-" I watch our matching shoes. I nod. Not wanting to hear my response from my own lips.

"People fuck up- Christ look at us. Talk to him"

I take in her simple words, I had given so many chances. But I wanted to give another one.

Shouts and whistles fled the hair like a childhood playground. We were about to be led back into the cemented walls.

I take a breath in, feeling the air in my lungs before slugging back over to my group.

"Where'd you go Priss?"

"Had to straighten some things out."

a/n- yikes
I want to fast forward so bad so she is back with Jace but gotta try and keep it realistic so shoot me sorry
Also I'm too lazy to proof read so sorry I'll fix later

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