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"This is the third time in my office this week Miss Porter.."

"Yeah" I mumbled.

Readjusting myself in the wooden chair I crossed my arms.

He leaned forward across the desk and sighed.

"What is your problem with Ashely Bennit?"

"Whats my problem? Are you serious?"

"I'm sure you were the one that said, and I quote "You irrelevant piece of shit, grow up, and stop talking to me before something bad happens to you". You know that's a threat towards a student correct?"

"She's the one you need to have in here, she's crazy."

"There has been no complaints towards Miss Bennit"

"That's because nobody will stand up to the bitc-"

He glared at me

"-her" I sighed

"You've left me no other choice but to expel you Margo"

"Expel me?- you can't!"

"I have to, you can't be suspended two times in a week"

"Mr.Heldridge please"

"I'll be contacting your parents"

"You don't understand-"

"Look" He sighed "You seem like a good kid, but you have some troubles that our school can't constantly put up with"

"Can't you just, suspend me again? You won't hear anything about me anymore I promise"

"You threatened a student-"

" I won't talk to Ashely any more."

He looked at me for a minute, focused his attention on stacking some papers on his desk, then back on me

"I'll talk to the board about lifting the expelling, but there will be a two day suspension in the least. And," He hesitated "I want an apology to Ashley"

"What?- no I'm not apologizing."

"You can take the expulsion then ?"

"No- no I'll apologize" I sighed.

"We'll talk about whether the board decides to expel you or not on Monday. Have a nice weekend Miss Porter"

I got up, rolling my eyes as I headed towards the door, "You too"

When I walked out of the office I decided not go back to seventh period. Instead I took the ten minutes to walk around on the second floor, just to get away from the lectures and the scolding, just to take time out of my day to breathe.

The day was a few minutes away from being over at school. Grabbing my stuff out of my locker I made my way down the hallway. Classrooms were filled with talking kids ready to get out of class to go home.

My foot steps echoed though the hall and as I turned the corner I stopped before running into someone.

"Margo? What are you doing"

I sighed. I was about to give into talking to someone who I grew a hatred for. Someone who I felt like I couldn't talk to anymore.

"Waiting for the bell to ring so I can go home"

"You only have seven minutes why don't you just leave now"

"Because I'm already about to get expelled. I can't take any more chances" Sighing, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked down the stairwell with him following like a lost puppy.

"Why you getting expelled?"

"Long story"

I walked down the hallway opposite of the office.

"Well, how about you let me walk you home, and you can tell me about it?"

"No Jace"

"Why not"

"Because" I turned towards him for the first time since the conversation started, "I'm tired of being your stupid little booty call anytime none of your precious friends are around. I'm invisible to you any other time so why are you bothering me? I don't know why you annoy me so badly but it's something about you that makes me want to pull every last hair from my head every time I see you so please, do us both a favor and leave me the hell alone"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me.

"What?" My tone harshened.

"You're cute when you're upset"

I shook my head and looked out the glass door that I leaned on.
"You're unbelievable "


"Because, are you're really that stupid to know that I want you to get the fuck out of my life"

"Can't do that"

"And why is that?"

"Because you need me in your life"

"I'm doing just fine on my own thanks"

"No-Face it Margo, if it weren't for me saying something to you that day on the bench,you would have never known me. Meaning you would have never been out in town that night with me. Meaning that you'd be quiet, humble little Margo Porter that nobody took seriously because you my friend, were planning on changing who you were, said it yourself. But I reminded you that being a little reckless is who you wanna be."

"You mean you taught me to act a way that lead me to being expelled? My hero."

"Sure but there were other things that were helpful that night"

"No not really"

"Not even when I got close to you?" He mocked his actions from that night. Turning me around to face him, he placed his hands on my waist and brought himself close to my face "Not even when your breath gets faster from your nerves and you tensed up?"

I looked at his eyes silently as he raised his hand up on my neck like he had the night before and rested his forehead on mine gently.

"You wanted me to kiss you, didn't you"

"N-no" I shivered

"Would you be pissed if I kissed you right now then?" His words came out quietly.

"I-I uh- I don't um-"

He chuckled softly "I won't kiss you don't worry."

"Good" I managed to push out my words but my voice was shakey. I wasn't the type to be nervous, not even back in New Hampshire. But my hands were frozen, and trembling.

"Good" he whispered back before pulling away as the bell rung.

I stood still for a moment before I had realized what had happened. He had played me. Again. And there he was, walking back down the hallway, talking to some people who had just flooded the hallways. As if, nothing actually had happened.

He had done it again. And I had let him.

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