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"Hey loser, you ready yet?"

I hear Jaces voice echo from the stairwell. As I stare at myself in the mirror, I readjust my clothing, pulling at the threads until they break from the tight restrain.

He stops at the bathroom threshold, his eyes traveling along me as he swallows harshly.

"Ten more minutes?"

"Ive been waiting for an hour"

"I know I just, I don't like this shirt" I had been seeming to find one excuse after another, unpleased with my appearance today.

In my attempt to speed past him to head to my room, he retracts his arms out in front of him, gripping onto my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, I promise"

"I just need to change my shirt"

"Why are you the one stalling?"

"Worried I guess"


"Because I dont want you to get there and want to stay"

"Its not as bad as I anticipated Margo"

"He hurts you. Still. After all these years, and youre willing to stay with him?"

"Because thats all you see" He drops his hands to his sides, his eyes still attached to me.
"You see what he does but you dont see how well we get along. The places he takes me, the worries and regrets he helps me let go of"

"Like what?"

"Like you" He shoots back.

My eyes soften as I stiffen, my heart dropping for a second at the thought that I was a regret.

"When you left, I mean"

"I was a regret just because I left?"

"Yes, damn it Margo, you left. I didnt know if I were going to see you again or not" His voice becomes softly flustered, trying his best not to raise it at me.

"You knew where I was."

"I didn't know if you'd come back-"

"I was in there because of you!" My voice breaks to yelling.

Jace quickly notices, putting his hands on me where ever they'd naturally go, knowing that all he had to do was hold me, and I'd settle.

"I know" He whispers, pulling me to him to rest his chin on the top of my head, "Im sorry"

"You're not" I huff, burying my face into his warm sweatshirt.

He sighs, allowing himself to stay put for a few seconds of silence before rubbing my back lightly a few times, and pulling away.
"I'll grab your jacket. Meet me in the car"


"Thats weird"


"Didnt think he'd be home"

"Does he have off Wednesdays?"

"..No" Jace stops the car in the driveway, his eyes stricken to the parked blue truck in front of us.

I get out, implying that he should do the same. He does, following next to me up to the door.

We knock, twice. But silence of the back street sheets over us.

"Hes gotta have more than one car?"

He nods, taking his keys out of his pocket, shuffling through multiple of them to pull out a copper one. He slowly unlocks it, opening it.

We close the door behind us, quiet despite knowing nobody's there.

Turning the corner to the living room, we watch as the tv plays through an old movie, silent as the word 'Mute' bounces across the screen.

The back of couch hides the person at first, but with the scuffing of our footsteps; they sit up to turn around at us.

My face sets in stone as the face filters through my mind. I don't look at Jace, I didn't need to. The sound of his keys ungluing from his hand and hitting the hardwood floor, showed enough.


"Jace I-" she stops, not able to explain herself, she just sighs, watching him.

I stand silent, the room buzzing with emotions, radiating off of Jace. But his facial expressions show nothing. Stoned like when he took the stand on trial.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your father, picked me up" She hums, her voice coming out like an overplayed upbeat song.

"Why didn't you come home?"

"Sweetie," she sighs, "this is home"

"Home?" Jace voice builds, knowing that there was about to be an outburst.
"Home? Is that what you call this? Fucking home? Where youre abused and bought back as an apology? If your idea of home is this and not back at our house where I'm staying to do anything for you, then I don't want to be apart of it"

"Its complicated-"

"Complicated? No, whats complicated is the shit I've been through for the past seven months. Thats complicated. You know the whole state is out there looking for you? Expecting to find a dead body in the weeds somewhere - I was expecting you dead somewhere. But you're here? Getting high and watching old comedies in the luxury of this house while I have been working non stop, getting two hours of sleep everyday to get you out of jail. So that I could have you back. Because you were the only one that was ever there for me and I needed you."


"No mom, save it. I dont want you in my life anymore. Dont come to me when you decide you've had enough of him. Dont show up at my house, I wont answer."

I watch in shock of the situation, he picks up his keys, mumbling a 'Lets go' under his breath as he storms out. Without what we had came for.

He doesnt hesitate to start the car. Lurching backwards quickly.

"Maybe you should just take a breather-"

"I don't need a fucking breather, I just want to get out of here"

I nod, understanding until we reach halfway down the rural street, his driving increased with recklessness.

"Jace pull over"

"Im not pulling-"

"Pull the damn car over" My voice raises over his. He sighs, frustrated, but pulls of to the side on the edge of a tree farm.

I reach over to turn off the car, pulling it from the ignition and gripping the keys in my hand.

He doesnt take a glance at me. Putting his head onto the steering wheel showing his stress. Not able to talk.

"Its okay to cry you know?"

"I know" His voice cracks, and I regret the words that had come from my mouth, triggering his light sobs.

Unsure of how to help, I sit silently, letting himself let go as he continues not to look up. I grab his hand in his lap, feeling as tears fall on them.

"I dont know what the fuck im doing anymore"

"You're gonna figure it out Jace"

"Youre all I have left" his voice breaks once more, causing my emotions to sink with sadness.

"Im not leaving"

"You will. Everyone does"

"I promise. Im not."

It was a promise that I wish I had kept.

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