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I woke up to thuds of heels up the stairs.

I sat up. Jace opened his eyes and ran his hands over them before sitting up and looking behind him.

We both watched as the middle aged woman dressed in flared pants and a corduroy blouse trudged her way up each step. Her words tangled with a Boston accent.

"Why is there people having sex on my couch?" Her voice was muffled from upstairs.

Jace chuckled silently and laid back down.

"That's Jace, mom"

"Whos the girl?" 

"My friend. She needed a place to stay last night..." The rest of her sentence was muffled. She was talking quiet.

"Poor dear. She's homeless?" Her moms loud, obnoxious voice carried.

"Something like that"

I looked over at Jace. His eyes closed but he smiled. Sencing my eyes on him.

"Best thing to do is pretend to be sleeping.  Pretend you didn't hear anything. Its less awkward that way"

I watched as he opened his arm, inviting me to lay next to him. 

I didn't move.

"Well she's gonna notice if you're on the other side of the couch Margo."

I looked at him before sighing and laying down next to him. His gental heart beat spread through my back. Causing mine to go a million miles an hour. His arm rested over me. Warm and comfortably heavy. As my hair fell, his breath traced circles on my neck. And for a split second. I wanted it all to mean something. I wanted this to be more than just a set up. Through his stubbornness and his stupid aspects, he was so imperfect. I wanted an us. But as soon as the thoughts of his aspects leak in, I know that he doesn't want an us.

"You comfortable?"

"Mmhm" I closed my eyes and nuzzled my way further into his hold.

"It could be like this all the time... If that's what you wanted"

My eyes opened, staring blanklessly at the black tv screen. "What?"

The footsteps of someone coming down the stairs entered the moment, causing me to close my eyes, and no response from Jace.

"You sure they didn't have sex on my couch?"

Her moms voice rang loud. The fact that we were still sleeping wouldn't be believable to a single person but her.

"I'm sure mom" Brits voice buzzed from upstairs.

"Hmm" The footsteps became quieter as she stepped out of the room.

More footsteps down the stairs, faster. A moment of silence, then hands. Shaking me.

I opened my eyes slightly, pretending to squint.

"Wake up, my moms home" She took a pillow from the other couch and tossed it at my face.

I grabbed it "Okay, that was uncalled for."

She motioned over at Jace with her nod. Whispering "He's so hot when he sleeps"

"Oh he's not sleeping." I nudged him in the elbow. A smirk grew across his lips as he opened his eyes, proping himself up with his elbow.

I watched at Brits face Reddned.

"You think I'm hot-" He stopped "uh-whats your name?"

That would have torn me apart. Sleeping with someone, and being friends with your brother. Being over multiple times before. But not knowing your name. Like you ment nothing.

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