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*end of book is coming very soon:( ft. a Q&A**


I pack up my stuff, glancing around in my closet for a missing sweatshirt. But instead I find a different one. His.

I planned on going over, but I hadn't planned on telling him where I was going.
Why couldn't I tell him?

My suitcase packs into the trunk of my car, my dad steps out. His scruff longer than usual and his eyes drawn down.

"Leaving so early?"

"Yeah, I'm going to stop by Jace's, say goodbye before I head for the airport."

"Fair enough" He pulls me into a hug, I stiffen at the unfamiliar touch, but lightly wrap my arms around his dull smell.

"I'll see you in a few weeks dad"


Knocking on the freshly painted door, it takes nothing but a few seconds for him to answer, a smile wide, he pulls me into his embrace.

It was complicated

"Hey princess"

Dragging me into his newly furnished livingroom, we sit on the couch. The space between us eating us alive.

"Why'd you come over?"

"I cant stop by to see my best friend?"

"Best friend, huh?"

I nod as he chuckles lighty, teasing,

Truth be told, my flight wasn't until tomorrow. But I needed to spend the night with him. One last night.

I stare at him harshly, not wanting to leave the eyes that felt most like home to me.

"Whats up Porter?"

"You busy tonight?"

"What kind of question is that"

I smile silently, picking each of his fingers and dropping them back down. I was so in love.

"You mind if I stay the night?"

"You ask the stupidest questions"

"Yeah, well"

He chuckles, inching closer to me with every word. Closer until our legs touch. And once our legs touch. The rest of us will too.

His lips inch to mine, my body craving it, but my mind yelling at me to stop. Make it stop. I stumble on my words, clearing my throat to cause him to back away. But he doesn't, his body doesnt flinch.

"Hows redoing the house going? Looks good so far."

"Its okay" His eyes move to my lips, trapping there, not wanting to talk about the subject at that moment.

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