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I spent the last five days contemplating whether I should go out to the bench again or not. I hadn't yet, the guy was cocky...

But something behind his warm smile made me think otherwise.

My scuffed black boots laid in the corner of my room. I stayed staring at them...wondering.

It was about time. 12:40... but would he still be there? It'd been five days.

Putting on my black lined coat I sat on the floor tying my boots.

Slipping out my window, I crawled down gently to the ground, avoiding grass stains this time.

I climbed up the hill, my shoes slightly slipped on the ice with each step. A soft figure sat on the bench.

At this time I was contemplating. I had the chance to just turn back around forget about it, but I absentmindedly kept walking and as I approached he made eye contact with me. Turning back was no longer an option.

"You finally decided to not blow me off?" He spoke

"Sorry I..." I sat down next to him on the bench "I couldn't come"

"Mm" he nodded facetiously

"Why are you still here?"

He looked at me

"I mean... I haven't been here in a while, I would have thought you would have givin up by now..."

He chuckled sitting back "I don't come here just for you princess. I come here every day."

"Aren't your parents pissed that you ditch all the time?"

"They don't know"


"I have people to help me out with that"

I had a feeling that I didn't want to know.

"So, you gonna start coming out here
now?" He changed the subject.

"I don't know, it's kind of cliche... sneaking out for a boy"

"I like cliches" He looked over me

I stopped to look at him, "Who are you?"

He shrugged "I come and go when I please, I make stupid decisions, everyone loves me and I'm kinda an asshole" he smirked and leaned towards me with his hand out "I'm Jace"

"Margo.." I cautiously met my hand with his and shook it.

"Margo what"


"Well Margo Porter, you gonna ditch fifth hour with me to come out here when you come back to school?"

I shook my head "I can't risk getting suspended again my parents are gonna kill me"

"Well let me tell you, with the amount of people that he despise you at school at the moment, I wouldn't count on that being your last fight"

"Nah...Im trying to be better you know? Not only for my parents I guess, I just don't want everything to build. I've heard about depression, and I don't want to be involved with it."

"Then I'd start with getting rid of those" he looked down at the box of cigarettes poking out of my coat pocket.

"Oh" I pulled it out and looked down at it in my hands. "I don't do it all the time. I'm not an addict if that's what you're thinking... it just helps me let go when I need it."

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