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"How was school?"

"School" I sigh, dropping my bag on the floor of the guest bedroom.
"You get the money?"

"Yeah" He grabs the white envelope from the desk, pushing it towards me.
"The 5,000s in there too. Picked it up from the bank this morning."

I take it from him, folding the crinkled package in my lap, watching as he sheds his shirt. Rummaging through his bag for a clean one.

"I'll do laundry tonight"

He nods, tossing his worn tshirt at me.
"Good cause all my shirts are dirty"

Hes lays down on his bed, naked from his waist up.

"You know, I have some pretty tough competition for the better body thing" I grin at him, but his eyes stay glued to his phone screen


"Look" I sigh,
"Im sorry about last night, okay? I just want to focus on you... not us and the complications that come with it"

"Just seems like we're always arguing"

"I know... I dont want to anymore"

"Yeah me neither" He shuts off his phone, dropping it next to himself.

"You take your meds today?" I hesitate

"Yes mom" His eyes roll.

"Im just making sure... what do you want for dinner?"

"What ever" he shrugs.

"You wanna help?"


"Didnt think so" I laugh, grabbing his full laundry basket, carrying it on my hip downstairs.

Dumping it all in the washer, along with some soap, I trail my way into the kitchen. The fridge empty down to a half empty gallon of milk and some old yogurt.

I carry myself back up the stairs, first to my room. Shedding off my uncomfortable tight shirt.

"Margo can you- oh, sorry" He walks through the opened door. His eyes locked to my black trimmed bra, trailing back to my gaze.

"Its fine- what's up?"

"Can you wash this?" He holds up his sweatshirt.

"Yeah just toss it in my hamper" I grab at the first tshirt layed across my bed, pulling it over my head.

I pick up the remaining, throwing it on top of his sweatshirt,
"Hope you like cereal. It's all we have. I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow"

"Sounds good"

"Mmkay, just let me know when you're hungry"
I leave the room with my laundry hamper dragging behind me. Aiming it's way to sit on the laundry room floor until the other load was out of the washer.

It was starting to seem that the more Jace and I were together. The more we were growing apart.


"Thanks for the um, dinner" Jace pushes his bowl from him, watching me from across the table.

"Worked very hard to make it" I faciously sigh.

We sit silently as I continue a list of groceries to pick up tomorrow.

"Is there anything you need?"

"Where are we getting the money for this?"

"My parents keep emergency money in a container in the cabinet. I'm sure it's still there."

"No there's nothing that I need" His voice grows quiet as he watches down at the table.

A knock laces at the door, causing both of our glances to move towards it.

"You expecting someone?" I frow my eyebrows at Jace as he shakes his head.

Walking to the door, I open it, hesitating.
I stand blank expressioned as I face Ashley. Someone I hadnt seen in months. A faint scar on her forehead, hinting with a pink color.

"What are you doing here?"

"Is- Jace, here?" She hesitates her words.

I nod, feeling Jace aginst my back, looking out over my shoulder.

Ashleys glance trails to him, locking eyes, with me between.

"Can we talk?" Her choice scared, he nods torwards her.

I shut the door as she comes in.

"We're gonna, be up in my room" he speaks towards me. And all I'm left to do was nod.

Because what was I supposed to do? As I watch them leave upstairs, I run through all the possible sarnarios.

I blame nobody but myself, because this was his rebound. I ruined it between us, I didnt want an us. And yet there was nothing that hurt more then know that she was going to be in that room with him. She was going to be his rebound.

Silently, I remain downstairs. Tapping my pen on the pad of paper as I wait. Thirty minutes, an hour. Almost two past, until I hear the light footsteps trailing back from the ceiling above.

I fake my attention to the paper, a light knock knocks on the dining room wood. Hiding behind the doorway, she watches me with tear stained cheeks. A hollowed out face and quiet voice, she looked sick.

"Do you have a second to talk.."

"Uh- yeah... I guess" I set down the pen, implying for her to sit down with my eyes.

Frail and dark, she creeps silently to the chair, this perminate scattered fear across her face.

"You look good"

I nod lightly, "Thanks"

"I just want to apologize, for everything..."

"Its in the past" I shrug, "I learned a lot in juvie... holding grudges was something I learned first- doesn't solve anything"

"It doesn't excuse what I did"

"It doesn't but, it's a start"

"I just- I want to make sure that it's okay with you- I mean, you're not- into Jace, are you?"

"No that was- im over him to say the least"

"Good, he said you'd be cool with it but, I needed to hear it from you first this time"

"Cool about what?" I hesitate.

"That were goung to, try and be together again"

My friendly face drops as I lock my eyes to a stare.
"Get out"


"Get the fuck out of my house" My voice echos through the pledged room; the look of fear plasters to her face once again as she hurries out the room.

Hearing the front door shut, I push my hands through my hair; sighing. This is how my life was going to be.

Dragging myself up the quiet stairway, I tap on Jaces door, inviting myself in.

I lock eyes with him, red and patchy, I look at him hollowly.
"You okay?"

"Ashley feels bad about what she did"

" I kicked her out"

"What?" He stands, glaring.

"Youre not being involved with her Jace"

"Why the hell not" His voice raises, causing mine to, trying to win in this competition.

"Because she's bad news, she's going to mess with your head, and that's the last thing you need."

"Youre not my mom, you're not my girlfriend- we're barely even friends. So stop acting like you can rule my god damn life."

I impulsively slam the door behind me, making my way to my own space.

Everything was getting worse by the day.
And suddenly I could feel my stability between the both of us, fading.

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