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What do you think is going on between Brit and Jace??


I stare at my ceiling.

White paint felt as empty as my insides.

Watching in the mirror,  hanging upside down on my bed, I looked at what I desperately wanted to shed out of.

But I keep on my makeup, my spinged  curly hair and my skin tight white dress. 

Staring at the world in a different point of view. From the flip side.

Sometimes Id get like this. When I got drunk I got sentimental. But I wasnt drunk.

I was lonely.

I was expecting Jace for over an hour now. To be able to help with the emptyness. But the more time went by. The less I was wanting him.

By now I wanted him for more. I wanted his perminate smirked lips and his comforting cooled hands.

I wanted him to break the tension between us. Between our lips that want nothing more but to feel the slightest spark of love between them.

Like two minds wanting to think alike, desperately.

And that was why I had hidden myself from him.

For three weeks.

Hiding away from him again for another three weeks. And he wasn't going to be too happy.

As I rested my head on my recently cleaned comforter, I breathed in the smell of cleaned laundry mixed with the cool air. My window cracked open, the locks recently off.

The winter air was starting to feel more like early fall. Something I wasnt used to.

Through my wondow, the hum of an engine approach, with a sudden cut off.

I adjusted my dress as I run down stairs. I make it the door before he even does.

As he approaches, annoyence rests on his face. Reflecting off my big smile. He attemps to smile back, but confusion mixes in with it. His eyes are asking why. Why I've hidden away from him again.

My arms reach out. Hoping, praying that he'd accept the gesture.

But he hesistes to hug me. He hesitates for seconds, feeling as dreadful as minutes.

He does. Exhaling through his nose, he wraps his arms around my back. But I can feel his tensed arms. His clinched jaw.

I pull him inside, shutting the door with my finger tips.

"Why am I here?" He speaks.  His voice was warm. But raspy.

"Either youve been doing drugs or youve been sucking dick" I let off a small laugh as Jaces head comes up from his hands, over on the couch.

"Im sick." He glares.

I raise my eyebrows "It was a joke, calm down"

"Look. If im here just to hear you make jokes. Im leaving."

"Whats your problem?"

He just watches me.

"I told you Jace-"

He stands. "You didnt tell me anything Margo. You never do. You just get up, and you leave. And I sit there and wonder how long you're going to be gone for. A week? Years? Like last time?."

"Im here now" I whisper.

I do what I would want him to do to me. I grow closer to him, inches from my sleeve colliding with his skin.

But he backs away. "I dont want someone who is unsure of themselves."

I watched down at my feet sunkin into the carpet. I felt the warmth his body was giving off vanish.

He walks towards the door. Its been three weeks and he was just going to leave like this.

"Its kind of ironic hearing that from you"

He pauses before opening the door. He turns with more anger in his expression then I could imagine Jace had.  My eyes widening at his tone that I knew was about to come.

"Dont you even start. You move here  all depressed and shit, but it was all an act wasnt it? It was all some kind of sick, twisted game in your head that made you feel better because you so desperately crave this build up of pity for you." His voice grows hushed "I used to like that about you Margo, I used to like the fact that you understood exactly how I felt. At least I thought you did. Now I know it was just an act to you."

"Why? Because I changed my appearance to help me step forward into forgetting the past? Is that so wrong?"

"You didnt change your apperence. You changed you. A year ago, the you that was slouching on the bench pissed off at the world, wearing not a single hint of color to cover all the emotional scars that have torn you down, that was the Margo that I remember."

"Do you ever stop and take a minute to realise how selfish you are? I changed to be happy. Isnt that what you wanted?"

"Not like this" He shakes his head.

"Look. I invited you over because I missed you. But if all youre going to do is be a dick then forget it."

"I missed you Margo" He sighes "I just- these past few weeks I needed someone. You weren't there"

"Why'd you need me?"

"Because you're easy to talk to- you were easy to talk to." 

"Im still the same person"


"Thats not true."

"It is. Youre nothing more then the plastic heads at our school who you punched no more than a year ago."

"Jace" I sigh. I was hurt by it, but I want to grab his hand, to pull him closer to me by the coller of his gray tshirt and take his lips by surpise.  But I remain ten feet away, not even making eye contact with the desperate eyes. The eyes that are begging me to keep pushing dispite the last remark. To be able to let loose what cram his thoughts.


My eyes still glue to the floor

"Margo look at me" I meet with his stern voice. "Im sorry okay? Im just mad... I dont want to go a day without seeing you neverless three weeks. I needed your smile.." He trailed off.

"Come upstairs with me. Talk about it."

He nods.

His shoes trail behind my bare feet up the stairs.

I walk into my room, jumping from the slamming door behind me.

I turn to meet Jace walking to me, grabbing my waist.

I grab the sides of his face gently. I was taken back with shock. Two minutes ago he was yelling at me.

I can almost feel a tingle from his lips to mine. I wanted to break the centimeter gap between us.

"I want to kiss you so fucking bad" He whispers

"Why arent you?"

He hesitates, his thumbs brushing back and fourth on my sides.

"I told Brit Id keep my distance..."

"Why would you do that?"

"Shes got a thing for you"

"Wait" I pull away. Gripping onto the top of his shoulders
"What did you just say?"

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