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The creak of the front door screamed my name as I attempted to quietly enter the house, but of course, it would have been too simple to have not been caught.

"Margo!" My moms footsteps followed after her voice.

Cursing under my breath I huffed and began walking up the stairs

"Where have you been?"

I ignored her and scuffed my boots on each step.

"Margo you answer me this moment"

I turned around to face her "Nowhere"

"Well you were somewhere"

"I just was taking a walk"

"You're supposed to stay in your room, youre grounded"

"Yeah I remember thanks"

"Who is that boy."

I stared at her in disbelief "Oh, so now youre spying on me?"

"Tell me who he is"



"No you know what? I'm tired of the lack of privacy, I'm tired of you and dad treating me like a kid. Just leave me alone would you?"

And yet again she had nothing to say, just the same old look of disappointment, the usual.

She was always afraid of confrontation, didn't know what to say ever. Made it really tough being the only kid growing up. Being able to make the decisions on your own without having any input, but knowing if you did the wrong thing you'd magically never hear the end of it.

Closing my bedroom door behind me I turned on my stereo, the familiar lyrics of Mr.Brightside rushed through my room causing me to jump.

I turned it down and laid down on my bed, the last thing I needed was a lecture about my music being too loud.


It was Saturday, mid morning, my mind was dazed and groggy from the nineteen hours of sleep I had consumed.

Most nights I'd lay in bed, my mind was too loud to sleep. I'd lay there for countless hours and not shut my eyes from the dark ceiling once. I'd wake up from the two hours of dozing off to a silent bedroom.... but not this particular morning.

I squinted towards the sound of a power drill in the direction of my opened blinds

"What are you doing" I mumbled

"Putting locks on your windows"

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head towards my dad "Are you being serious?"

"I heard about your little stunt, climbing out and meeting up with a boy"

"I wasn't trying to meet up with him"

He drilled in the last screw to my window and attempted to pull it up to test it.

It didn't budge.

He looked at me "Monday, I expect you to come home from school and go to your room without any trouble. Your mom and I have to work and we can't afford to waste money on a babysitter for you right now. So I expect you to do the right thing"

He shut the door and left me in my bedroom, locked away like a criminal.

I spent the afternoon reading Gone With The Wind, Its true what they say, that until you've lost your reputation, you never know what a burden it was or what freedom really is.

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