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"Hey babes!"

"Dont talk to me"


My shoulder collides with the soft texture of Ashley's sweater as I pass her. The absolute blank look of confusion on her face still peirces through my memory.

"Can you at least tell me why?"

I turn to face her calls, despite my body hovering in the center of the crowded hallway, causing attention.
"Why? The whole concert and I'm your friend bullshit isn't obvious to you?"

The look on her face continues as she watches me silently. Eyes are on us, drawn by my loud tone.

"You fucked Jace?"

Her mind clicks with an apologetic look,
"Margo I am so-"

"Sorry? For what? The fact that you did it or the fact that I found out about it?"

"Look, you know Jace and I have always had a thing, I didnt think you'd mind! You told me you were just friends"

" 'Just friends' as in I'm trying to tell him that I love him but cant."

"Its kind of ridiculous for you to  think that I'm supposed to know that."

"Whats ridiculous is the fact that I gave you a second chance."

"You gave me a second chance?"

I stare at her blankly.

"You were the one that punched me"

"Only because you don't know how to fight." I huff.

Her eyebrows raise,
"I could have beaten your ass if I had wanted to"

"Oh yeah?"

She nods.

I let out a small laugh,
"Try me."


I ended up face to face with the principal and student counselor that day.

"I thought you had turn over a new leaf Margo Porter."

My sight doesn't leave my slightly bruised knuckles. I shrug.
"You gonna expell me?"

"I cant seem to find another option"

"Counseling? A meeting with my mom? Three days in juvie?... There's a few" My voice is too quiet and calm for my own self to register.

Its silent. They sit across the desk from me, the room filling with the heavy breaths coming from the counselor that's had one-to-many twinkies in her days.

"Why do you keep doing this? To Ashley?"

"I saw you girls getting along just fine the other day" Fatty adds in.

"You really want to know?"

They nod at my timid voice, "Yes, we do."

"She slept with my best friend"

"And you like him?" She grins slightly at the thought of love, something she's never gotten to experience.

"I dont know"

"Im supposed to be expelling you, suspending you at the least..." Mr.Heldridges words come out behind his facial hair.


"But, I fear that you won't change dispite a suspension. And your family just moved here, our highschool being one of the only one around for a good thirty miles, itd be a shame for your family to have to move out of town just to put you in a different school..."

"What are you saying?"

"Im putting this in the hands of the law"

"What?" My eyes expand.

"Its the only way to get you on the right path-"

"I was kidding about the whole juvie thing!"

"It'll be good for you"

"Theyre not going to send me to juvie for getting into a fight."

"Attempted murder"

"Jesus Christ I wasnt trying to kill her."

"Shes passed out, possibly in a coma... its close enough"

"Well she started it, isn't she going to get punished?"

"As soon as she gets back from the hospital with a bloody nose and head injurys, yes."

"Its not my fault she can't fight" I mummble distinctively.

Mr.Heldridge grunts, murmuring in the air as McMuffin whispers in his ear.

"We're going to call your parents. And schedule a court order for this weekend" She speaks

"Guys seriously, none of this is nessisary."

"Go sit in the waiting area Miss Porter. Your parents will be here shortly.

"A coma?!"

"Shes overreacting" My eyes roll.

"Damn it Margo we talked about this, I thought you were over this whole rebellious act" My moms hands hit the steering wheel as she speaks in attempt to show her anger.

"I am"

"Then what the hell is this about?"

"Wouldn't matter even if I tried to explain" I huff, sinking into the passenger side seat, deeper, deeper by the second.

"Well I suggest you better start anyway, they're bringing this to the damn cops."

"Ill survive juvie a couple days mom"

"We're not talking about a few days here, if she presses charges and you get charged for battery, theyll lock you up in the for a year."

"The fight wasnt unprovoked!"

"Sleeping with your friend isn't provoking anything Margo."

My eyes roll "She must be so happy about herself"

"I thought you were better than this" She sighs.

"Me too"


The next day, a single letter, with nothing but a harsh printed tag of my name stickered on the front.

My clamy fingers glide through opening, hesitating to unfold the letter.

To the parents of Margo Elisabeth Porter,

Your child has recently been pressed charges aginst due to battery and assault on a figure at Malcian  highschool in the state of California.
You and your child are expected to attend in court order to the state house on May 7, 2018 for the first of six court orderings due to the 48 hour policy. We thank you for your cooperation.

-North California District Attorneys Office.

I crinkle down the paper next to me on the couch. I take in the scent of my livingroom as I wait cautiously, chewing my nails, a nervous tick.

At the presence of my mom, I stand and hand the letter to her. Walking past her body to the stairs. I watch her read it as I walk up the stairs, not wanting to comprehend the lecture of it all being a real life situation.

The whole statement of 'Making Juvie my Bitch' wasnt going over so well in my head.

They wouldn't put me in juvie, she egged it on. But nevertheless, I wasn't prepared for what was about to come.

a/n- juvie?
juvie huh? will she be accused?
took one hell of a turn lol.
I'll update when I can. this weekend maybe?
***things will start to get interesting as we're near the end half of the book:/***

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