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April 21, 2018
10:15 pm

My feet drag through the carpeted flooring of Jaces bedroom. As I lean aginst the door frame to the bathroom with my arms folded, I watch him.

Jace stands at the sink shirtless, in sweatpants as he brushes his teeth. He makes eye contact with me through the mirror as I do the same.

I study him, like he does to me. My sight sweeping over his structured back. His cheekbones that even through a mirror are enhanced perfectly.

He glances back at me through the reflection, catching my eyes.

"What?" His words muffled from toothpaste.

"Nothin." I shrug, remaining as I am, studying him until he spits, wiping his mouth on the towel next to him on the counter.

I turn to walk out when I sense he was about to himself. He follows me out as I sit myself on the edge of his bed. My wet hair sticks to my skin covered by a tanktop.

"You ready for tomorrow?"

He nods, sitting next to me to wipe his hands on his sweatpants.
"Thanks for coming with me M, means a lot"

"Couldn't really deny someone who puts me on the spot like that"

He grins at my teasing tone. "I dont know what I'd do without you"

"I think you'd live."

My hands reach for the top of the blankets under the pillows, I crawl under the covers and rest my body on the headboard.

"How do you think tomorrow's going to go?"

I watch him, regretting to answer his question truthfully.

"I dont know... people change Jace. I know, to an extent, what your dad did to you and I know how hard it was to loose your sister because of him. You know, even if it does happen, it'll only be for a year or so until you turn eighteen and won't have to deal with it anymore."

He chuckles faintly "Im always going to have to worry about him."

I sigh into the air and push the blankets off of me, standing up.
"Get some sleep Jace, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Why won't you just stay in here?"

"So your mom hates me? No thanks. Goodnight"

"Goodnight M.."

I shut the door behind me as his voice trails off. My feet skidding down the hallway, I turn the corner into the spare room.

The cool air of the room lingered scents of  dust and a cinnamon candle. Basing on the looks of it, they never had guests to stay here. I follow the light of the lit candle to the light switch of the small table lamp alongside the bed.

The light flickers on as I blow away the smoke of the dead candle. The gray sheets are cool, but welcoming in feeling new.

My body sinks into the silent room. Silent enough to hear the heavy breathing of his mom through the vents of the floor.

And sleep takes over me for the first time in two nights.

April 22, 2018
6:24 am

My eyes flicker open from the light of the hallway flooding into the room.

"Its time to get up Margo" 

His voice leaves as quick as it was there. And as I sit up, the earliness of the day kicks in.

I drag myself out of the covers that had trapped the warmth from my body between their threads.

I grab my makeup bag out of my overnight. Tiredly rubbing my hands over my eyes.

I knock on Jaces bathroom door and open it, welcoming myself in. The steam spreads humidity throughout my chilled body.

"Its just me." I speak over the running water, to Jace behind the shower curtain. "Im gonna do my makeup in here"


I push myself up on the counter. Crossing my legs and facing the mirror mounted to the wall over the sink.

Putting on my makeup carefully, I managed to make myself put together.

The water shuts off twenty minutes later and his arm reaches out to the towel rack, bringing it back with him into the shower.

The curtain pulls back revealing a towel wrapped around his waist. His wet body dripping as well as his ruffled, pushed back hair.

I finish my mascara and shove everything back into my bag. Jumping down from the counter.

"Morning" He kisses my cheek as he grabs his toothbrush from behind me.

"Goodmorning... Im gonna go get dressed"

He nods, wiping the mirrors down from steam.

6:55 am

My hands smooth over my simple gray dress as I walk down the hallway. Jaces bedroom door is shut, light flooding out of the crack under the door.

My knocks make echos down the hallway as his voice comes from the other side of the door. I open it from his response, and walk in, leaving the door open behind me.

"You ready?" I grin at him, studying his button down and dress pants.

"I guess" He sighs, finishing the bottom button of his shirt.

I fix his collar as he finishes tucking in his shirt.

"You look good" My voice comes out as a mumble

"Yeah you too"

I stare at his unsteady tone. His voice is quiet, and careful. Like he didn't feel like speaking.

I wrap my arms around his neck sigh, breathing in his cologne.
"Its going to be okay Jace"

He looks down, wrapping his arm around my waist, tightly as if all he needed as a hug at that very moment. Someone to hold onto throughout his unsteady life.

"Jace, let's go!"

We watch each other as his mom's calls echos through the stairway.

I give him a reassuring nod as I turn to walk out the door. He follows carefully and slowly.

Stalling to find out what was to come.

☆updating tomorrow ☆

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