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"Margo I don't feel so good"

I looked down at Jace's head on my lap. We still sat by the fire, and he was stretched out across the bench.

"Well if you're going to be sick don't get sick on me"

He nodded and stumbled standing up. Once I lost sight of him from the darkness surrounding us beyond the chairs that we sat in, I looked over at his chucking friends

"Whata pussy"

"I donno that was like the fifth beer he's had in the past twenty minutes" I laughed and stared at the fainting glow of the fire.

"That's nothing for him. He doesn't drink on a regular bases but he gets trashed at parties"

"I can see that"

"You're not much of a drinker huh?" The guy next to him slurred his words just a touch.

"Nah" I sighed shifting the still full cup of alcohol to my free hand.

"Have you even had any of that?"

"Not really" I shrugged and set it down next to me

"You're not much of a partier then"

"I don't need to be drunk to have fun"

"That's something only sober people say"

Everyone around the fire drunkenly laughed at his pathetic words.

"Gross is he getting sick?" One of the girls looked behind her chair into the dark fields.

"Probably" I sighed and checked my phone. "It's already two, I should probably get him home. It was nice meeting you guys"

"Yeah you too Virgin Mary"

I rolled my eyes and smiled as they laughed. Walking away and behind the fire pit a ways, I used my flashlight on my phone and trailed through the grassy field. My ankles scrapping on snapping twigs.

I stopped at an opening, finding Jace sprawled out on his back in the grass, his eyes opened, not blinking.

"Hey- you dead?" I nudged his body with my foot

"No but, be careful where you step, I puked somewhere over there" He pointed in a direction before leaning over and getting sick again.

There wasn't an ounce of sympathy in me for him as I stood and waited.

He partially rolled back over onto his back and sighed, patting the ground next to him

"Come lay with me"

I crossed my arms and looked down at him "I'm gonna have to pass"

He laughed, at nothing.

"You done getting sick?"

"Unless Barney shows up, man I hate that guy"

"Come on Jace," I reached down, grabbing his dirty hand off the ground, and pulled him to stand up.

"Where we goin?" He stumbled just as much as his words did. He pressed his weight onto me as he walked.

"Im going to take you home"


"To your house"

"I live with my Cuban dog"


We walked diagonally across the yard, making my way to the car

"Yeah- he's not actually Cuban though his name is Cuban"

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