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"Got a decent cut today" Jace tosses two, hundred dollar bills on my straightened comforter across the bed. Untying an apron from around his waist.

"I only made forty" I sigh into my book, unresponsive as he lays his body across my covered legs.

"I feel better going to work though. Makes me feel normal again".

"Makes me feel old. Rather being playing with barbies."

"Well, someday I'll get a real job, provide for both of us, that way you can play with your barbies"

"Planning on growing old with me huh?" My eyes still glue to the page, dispite the words starting to scramble from my thoughts.

"Why not? Haven't found anything wrong with you so far"


"Although, you do have a better body than me- kind of jealous"

"I'd be jealous too"

"But I'll have plenty of time to go to the gym after work while you're at home cooking and cleaning after our kids"

"Youre sexist"

"Youre sexy"

"Thats not what I said"

"Really? Cause all I heard was 'Jace you're sexy'. didn't know you were the romantic type"

"Fuck off" I laugh lightly as I tap the book on his head. Closing it and setting it on the bedside table.
"Go put that money in the envelope before you loose it"

He stands, grabbing the money.
"Where is it?"

"...You dont have it?"

"I thought you did"

I stand, rummaging through my purse at my desk,
"You had it last"

"I left it on the table at Sams, I thought you picked it up"

"I thought you had it, I didnt bother looking" I sigh, running my hands over my head in frustration.

"Its okay-"

"Okay? That was fucking 3,000 dollars in that envelope jace"

"We'll get it back"

"After what Brit did?"

"I'll  call sam... he didn't do anything"

"Going back there still makes me look like an idio-"


I mummble under my breath at my dad's calls from downstairs "fucking damnit-"
"What!" I yelled back

"Come down here"

"Call sam" I mummble, heading out the door.

I walk down the the kitchen, finding my dad shoving paperwork into a brief case.

"Where you going?" My arms cross as I lean on the doorway.

"I have a business trip to attend, I'll be back sda-"

"Dad, moms gone. You dont have to fake it anymore"

He glanced at me strictly. Buttoning down the latches of the bag.

"Is the Bieber wanna be still here?"

"His name's Jace"


"He is"

"For how long?"

"I told him as long as he wants"

badnews { jace norman }Where stories live. Discover now