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"What were you doing at her house?"

"Just hanging out, I needed a break"

"A break? From what?"

My mom agitated voice grew louder throughout the wooden cabnet framed kitchen. Getting back from Jaces two days ago, I hadn't stopped getting an earful of the same questions over and over again.

"From being locked up like some kind of animal!"

"Why didn't you come home that night then"


"Because why."

I bit my lip and looked down at my hands, ready to tell a simple white lie. "Because I didn't want to"

"That's no excuse- you know there's going to be consequences once your dad comes home from his business trip."

"Jesus Christ you really are clueless aren't you?"

"What did you just say to me?"

I stood up from the stool. "I said you're clueless, mom. He's not on a business trip, he's in a hotel fifteen miles down the road, fucking his secretary"


"No. You think it stopped when you guys got back together?" I laughed and shook my head "Look I know that Im supposed to be grounded or whatever but I really can't take this right now."

She looked at me as she moved the dried plate from her wet hands to the counter.

"You're not going to do anything if I leave are you? I know you won't because that's all you've ever done my whole life. Moving here, with Eric.."

My voice rung in the room, reminding her of the words longer.

"Im going to stay at Brits for a while. I'll deal with the shit from dad later."

I almost made it to the foot of the stairs when her voice finally spoke up.

"No, you're not."

"What? Are you going to stop me?" I left off a small laugh as I walked upstairs.

I found myself taking advantage of her a lot. At least that was how she always saw it. I saw it as being treated equally. She hasn't even been there for me growing up. She has no energy, nothing in her to try anymore. So I stopped trying.

I carelessly shoved odds and ends of clothing in my bag. Along with the other nessesities. Brush, toothbrush, soap. My stuff for school, and a few other things.

I slug the purple backpack over both my shoulders and didn't hesitate walking out the front door.

I wasn't sure where I was going with a few clothes and twenty bucks. But I knew I had a week at the least before my dad came home. The only option was Brits, and I hadn't met her parents. The chances of them letting me stay were slim.

I scrolled through my phone with numb fingers as I sat in my car. My breath trailing through the frigid air.

I drove down the road as the ringing, just about leading up to Brits voicemail, stopped. She picked up tierdly.


Hey, your parents home yet?

No, they're plane was delayed...
Why, what's up?

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