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I slipped down to the crease of the couch. The mass of glitter and sparkle that covered my black leggings shed to the floor.

We had been at the coffee table, staring at the same poster board for over an hour.

"I need a break" She sighs

I nod at Brit and rub my stinging eyes.

"I need to get going. It's almost ten."


The loops of the letters start to linger every glance I have, I lay back and watch the ceiling. Stalling.


I push my head up and grin
"Hey Sammy... How's college treating ya"

"Its going" He shrugs. "How's Junior year?"

"Its going"

He smiles and sits down on the other side of me.

"Its been a while huh"

"Ive missed you" I nod.

"You staying the night?"

"Nah. I'm actually on my way out"

"...I'll walk you to your car"

I stand, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll see you Monday Brit"

"See ya babe" She grins.

We walk silently out to my car. He opens my door, but I dont get in.

"I heard about you and squints" He speaks

My lips tightened.

"He told you already huh."

"You gotta talk to him M. Hes pretty pissed off"

"He cant act like a three year old every time he doesn't get his way"

"In his defense, you did walk away from him that night.The kid has never been in love before- look, I've known Jace since I was a sophomore, he hasn't liked a single one of the girls he's fucked with, him telling you he loves you... he means it."

"I do love him okay? Im just scared of commitment because I know his reputation"

"Hes changed. Trust me... hes like a brother, I know."

My eyes travel to the space between my car and I. My hands grow shakey again.

"Go see him"

"Hes mad at me."

"Yeah but you know squints, you go there, he gets happier and forgets about it."

"I dont know"

"He needs a little relief... if you know what I mean"

I grin and shake my head "Fine. I'll go"



"Goodnight M."

I get to my car and put the key in ignition. Making the turn to my road or his, I hesitate. Only for a moment.


The numbness of my knuckles banging on the doors wood was unbearable.

This week had turned particularly cold since Tuesday night with Jace.

The door opens but he stops, staring blankly. I knew the look, a look of such hatred.

"What are you doing here."

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