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"You ready to go? Ill drive you home"

"I can walk" he grinned down at me gently as he twisted his finger around the end of my brown hair.

I lay on my back across the bed. My room made my skin cold to the touch, but could feel the heat from Jaces skin under the blankets.

My nose felt like ice as I sat up.
"Im not letting you walk home hungover"

"Its four oclock, im not hung over"

"Just let me drive you" Standing up, I pushed my olive beanie over my head and grabbed my keys. They were supposed to be on the kitchen counter, and if my parents were to notice theyre gone, id be dead.
"My moms going to be home at six though, so lets go, right now"

He pushed the blankets off of him and shivered at the change of tempature. He had his sweatshirt and jeans on from last night, and as he slipped his hood over his head, he shoved his boney fingers in his pocket.

I shut the front door behind us and locked everything up. Once we got in the car, I turned on the heat and waited in the driveway for it to warm up.

"So where do you live?" I paused "Other, then Nigera Falls"

"Is that even a place?"

I smiled to the verge of laughing as i shook my head.

He smiled and looked at me silently. I looked at him, searching for answers as to what he was thinking.

"Im still not over how perfect your smile is"

"Charming" I sarastically nodded once "Now answer me"

"I live on Trouten."


"Itd be on the way to the party last night from here"

I rested my head on the steering wheel until I managed to retrace and remember what he was talking about.

I pulled into his inclined driveway and looked over at him.

"Come in with me"

My eyes widened "What?"

"Come on, you can meet my mom shes great."

"Jace.. Im sure she is, but I gotta get home, my parents will be home soon."

"Im not getting out of the car until you come with me"

I hesitated, looking at him blankly, before sighing and pulling the keys out of the ignition.

A grin covered his face when I followed him up to his house. I followed him through the living room torwards the kitchen.

His house felt like a home, something that mine had always lacked, no matter where I lived, it was never home because it was never perminate.

Warm flannel blankets draped over the clean couches, and candles burned on the table behind them. The house smelled like mint and bay leaves from the kitchen. And the California sun was blocked by gray curtains that brushed the ground.

It was a lot cozier then what I was used to, and for a reason that I couldnt explain, I began to crave a life like his.

He rested his hand on my lower back while he lead me though the kitchen.

A blonde haird woman, standing shorter than both of us, stood with her back turned to the doorway. The pokadot strings that tied her black aprin back was tied in a perfect bow. The chopping of a knife echod through the marble based kitchen as she gently hummed.


He turned a breif second and smiled "Hi hunny". Her mind processing that I was standing next to him was almost instant as she turned back around to look at me, then Jace.
"Whos this?"

"This is Margo, we're gonna be in my room"

She grinned nodding. But her eyes spoke different, like I wasnt the first girl hes brought up to his room this week.

He grabbed the sleeve of my sweatshirt and pulled me along up the stairway.

I glanced at the picture frames silently as he pulled me up the staircase. School pictures of a girl hung next to a family picture with her in it. He said he was an only child.

He opened the closest darkened door, The smell of his cologne and the warmth of the dark colored room felt comforting.

He pulled me down onto the edge of his bed and sat down next to me.

I watched him, "You didnt actually bring me here just to meet your mom, did you?"

He smiled through his perfect lips and shook his head.

"I, really like you Margo"

"Is that what you tell every girl before you sleep with them?"

He shrugged and moved closer to me, centimeters away, I felt his minty breath on my skin. "Maybe"

I moved closer to him, any closer and my lips would have brushed his
"Im not going to sleep with you"

"Why not" He pouted.

I laughed softly "I donno, maybe it was your sloppy kiss didnt leave me wanting more"

He backed up slightly and raised his eyebrow "I can kiss better than that you know"

"Mmhm, im sure" Sarcasm laced my tone as I pulled away and looked away from him.


"Yeah?" I turned to face him, his nose touched mine. He was closer than what I had intisipated, and he knew. He held my chin with his cold finger.

"Im a better kisser than that"

I looked down at his lips, then back up at his dark drown eyes

He smirked slightly, and slowly inched towards my lips. For a moment I though he was going to pull away, to pull me along with his game like he always did. But he didnt.

His lips pressed on mine gently, softly. He raised his hand on the side of my face. He pulled away slightly, but went back to kissing me.

I wasnt an idiot. I knew drunk kisses weren't good anyway it went. Something in me wanted him to prove himself. But then, it wasnt right.

He pulled away and looked at me gently "I told you so"

I sat and looked at him silently.

"I- I gotta go"

Standing up and walking out I was well aware of what I was doing.

I wasnt letting him play his bullshit.

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