chapter two

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3 years later.

Morning appeared, and the sun shined through Selena's room.
Selena had laid on the bed, rolling on the other side, getting away from the sun.
Okay, that was better, Selena told herself.
With that, her alarm went off.

"Uh," she sighed. She reached her hand to the clock and turned it off.
She raised up, rubbing her face.
It was time for work, and yet she was too lazy to go, but she knew that she had to go because she didn't want to stay home.
Selena lived in New York and had stayed in a nice apartment.
She loved where she lived and loved how her life was turning to be, and she didn't want anything to ruin it.
She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom and fixed her long dark brown hair, and then put on makeup.
She went downstairs to eat some breakfast.
She walk to the the stand that had a tank fish. One fish was swimming.
"Morning, Fred." She fed him.

Selena went out the door and headed to work, which she worked at McDonald's.
As she got into the main door of Mc Donald's, she grabbed an apron and headed to the back.

"You were almost late," she heard.
Her best friend stood there, smiling.

"Macy!!" Selena ran up to her, wrapping her hands around her, giving her the biggest hug ever.
Macy had left on a vacation and was gone for two months.

"Someone is glad to see me," she said.

"Well, duh! I've missed you so much. How was the trip to Paris?" Selena asked

"Oh my gosh. It was beautiful, Selena. You should've been there -"

"But I couldn't." Selena did a sad face.

"I hate that you had to stay. Selena, you need a break because you have been working hard," she said.

Selena nodded. "I know."

"Well, next trip I go to, you are coming with me, and I don't care what you say."

Selena smiled. "Let's have a sleepover at my house, and you can tell me how your trip was."

"Deal," Macy said.


Later that night, Selena and Macy went over to her apartment
Selena turned her light on and then threw her jacket on the couch.

"This place looks different," Macy said as she put her purse down. She walked over to the fish tank and bent down. "Fred got bigger."

"Glad you noticed. I thought I was the only one who thought that." Selena went into the kitchen and had grabbed two cups and poured tea in it. Selena walked back into the living room, putting the two cups on the table. She walked next to Macy.

"Thought about getting another pet?" She asked.

Selena nodded her head no.

"Aw, why not?" Macy walked to the couch.

"Because fishes make me happy," she said.

"Dogs make me happy."

Selena rolled her eyes and walked over to the couch. "On a new subject.. how was Paris?"

"Beautiful. At night, you could go outside and watch how everything was lit up. They took me on a boat, and I had road around and saw the backside of Paris."

Selena smiled. "Sounds amazing."

"I met a guy -"

"You what? Was he from Paris?" She asked.

She nodded. "Yes. He was so sweet. Oh my gosh, Selena. This might sound weird, but the day I was finally leaving, well there's this things were you can write a couple down, meaning you will not let each other go and y'all would stay together forever."

Selena smiled even bigger, but she knew it was crazy for Macy to do that. "Macy, what if you don't meet him, then what?"

"Bad luck." Macy took a drink of her tea.

"Bad luck? Why bad luck?" Selena raised an eyebrow.

"In Paris, they have it where you write your names down with someone you like. Well, you have to keep your word, and if the couples start seeing other people, they have bad luck -"

"And you believe that?" Selena asked.

She nodded. "Kind of."

"That's the dumbest thing ever, Macy," Selena told her.

"It could be true."

"So, let me guess. You're not going to date anyone because of this bad luck?"

"Pretty much." Macy took another drink of her tea.

"Wow. What's his name?" She asked.


"That's a cute name -"

"I got a picture." She took out her phone and went through her pictures. "Here."

Selena looked. "Whoa. He's cute."

"I know, right? He's the one." She clicked the photo off and then looked at Selena. "Are you seeing anyone?"

Selena nodded her head no. "No."


"Because I'm not ready to date," Selena said.

"Because you got cheated on."

Selena didn't say anything.

"Not ever guy does that. Selena, you can't live your life as a single woman," she said.

"And I'm not." Selena got up. "I'll date when I'm ready." Selena left out the living room.

Later that day, Selena and Macy had put their covers in the living room, and they both laid on the couch. Selena was on one end, and Macy was on the other end.
Selena looked up at the ceiling, thinking of Justin.
Stop thinking of him, Selena told herself.
Tear filled her eyes. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep and not remember him.
Maybe Macy was right, Selena thought. Maybe I should try to get out and date a guy, she thought.
She put the covers more upper to her chin and ended up falling asleep.

I hope that part was good.

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