chapter four

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Selena and Jake were still walking in Central Park, and let's just say that they were having the best time.
At first, they had stopped to get peanuts, and they headed off.

"So, tell me more about you," Jake said.

"Well, I can sing."

"Really now? Sing a song."

She fakes a laugh. "Ha, you're are funny. Im not singing in front of a lot of people."

"But it's only just you and I. Well, there are those two old couples that are kissing." He pointed.

Selena smiled, and yet she couldn't help it. "Still no."

He did the puppy face. "Come on."

"I'll show you in the future," she said.

He pulled his pinky out. "Promise?"

She nodded. "Promise." She took his pinky and locked it into hers.
They stopped walking and had looked at each other, still had their pinky's locked into each other.

He snapped out of it. "We have been walking, and I haven't even given you my jacket." He took his jacket off.

"That's nice, but I'm okay -"

He placed his jacket around her, and with that, she felt warm.

"You looked cold," he said.

"Thank you."

He nodded his head. "So, let's begin our walk."

They started to walk off.

"Okay, let's play 20 questions," he said.

"Okay. You go first."

"Favorite thing to do.. and don't say read in the park."

She smiled. "Umm, I would have to say go to the vet and help out."

"Likes to help out with animals. I like that. Most embarrassing moment?"

She thought about that. "Okay, a year ago, Macy and I were walking down the street, and this was in December.. so cold, and plus, it was snowing. Well, we were walking, and I remember eating a hotdog. This guy was standing there, and Macy told me to go over there and say hi and -" she put her hands into her face and laughed a little. "I don't want to say it.. it's so embarrassing."

"Please, I won't laugh, and plus, I'll tell you my embarrassing moment."

She looked at him. "I ate the hotdog before going over there and when I did, I started talking to him and well he seem like he was getting into me, because he was smiling and crap, but actual he was laughing at me because I had mustard around my lips. Macy knew, but didn't tell me."

He laughed.

"Hey, I thought you weren't going to laugh." Selena pushed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"Tell me your embarrassing moment," she said.

He looked at her. "I made a birthday party for my ex-girlfriend, and well that night at my house, I told everyone to hide, which you already know how that works. You jump from nowhere and yell out surprise! She was coming and I grabbed her hand, telling her to come in the room and the door was opened to where people could hear... she broke up with me in front of my millions of friends."

"Oh my gosh. That's horrible."

He nodded. "She hasn't talked to me since now. "

Later that night, around 3am, Selena and Jake were still walking, but this times he was taking her home.
They made their way to her apartment and went up the stairs and stood in front of her door.

"I can't believe it's 3am in the morning." She took out her keys.

"Same. I guess we get along so well," he said.

"Would you like to come in?" She asked.

"I would love to, but I have to go check on my brother. I got to see if he's home."

"Good luck finding him," she said. Selena took off the jacket and handed it back to him.
"Thanks for a good night."

He smiled. "No problem." He started to walk off the steps, and Selena had opened her door. "Selena!" He turned to her.

"Yeah?" She turned to him.

"By any chance, do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"I would love that."

He smiled. "Great."

She smiled back and went into her apartment. She shut her door and then leaned on it, smiling.


Next day came and selena had gone to work.
She was in a good mood and she was very tired.
She grabbed her apron and went into the back and started to cook.
A couple minutes went on, and finally, Macy came in. She looked exhausted, and she had rubbed her eyes.

"I called you a million times last night. Where were you?"

She didn't say anything.

"Macy?" Selena walked over to Macy and saw that tears were appearing to her eyes. "What's wrong."

"I did something horrible," she cried.

"Did you steal?"

She nodded her head no.

"Then what?"

"I slept with a guy," she cried

Selena was shocked. "With who?"

"You remember those two boys who came up to us, asking if we want to dance and I got up leaving because I was taken?"

Selena nodded.

"Well, the dude name Jackson came and followed me, telling me that your guy didn't have to know, and then I told him the story, but left out the bad luck... it was like he put this magic on me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He kept telling me that I was so beautiful and that I needed someone who lived close to me... his words were so beautiful, Selena. We drank a few drinks, and with that, we were in the middle of the dance floor dancing." She burst out crying, and she wrapped her hands around Selena, laying her head on Selena's shoulder."I woke up naked, and now I'm going to have bad luck."

Selena looked at her weird. "It's okay. This bad luck isn't real."

"Easy for you to say!" She looked up at her. "Oh my gosh! I'm a horrible person."

"Maybe nothing won't happen yet. Don't believe in it, Macy."

"Yeah, I guess you are right." She took a deep breath. "I'll try." She stood tall and had turned around, and with that, someone food had fallen on her chest.

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