chapter ten

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Selena had woken up. She moved on the other side and noticed that she wasn't in her bed. She felt someone's hand around her.
Huh, she asked her self.
She lightly opened her eyes, finding Jake in front of her, Sleeping.
She raised up, noticed that they had both had fallen asleep in Central park on a blanket.
She rub her eyes.

"Morning," she heard.

She turned her head, finding Jake awake. "Morning."

"I can't believe we slept out here." He smiled. His hands touched her arm and had rub them.


He raised up. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded. "Very well. You?"

"Very well too."

"What time is it?" She asked

"It's 8:10am"

"Crap!" Selena said out loud


Selena got up. "I'm missing work and crap, now Macy is wondering where I'm at." Selena grab her jacket.

"I'll walk you to work," he said.

She didn't won't that, well she did, but she didn't won't Macy see him.


He looked at her weird. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I have to go." She lean down and had kissed him. "I'll call you after work. Love you." She back up and ran off.

Selena ran through the park and yet she didn't have no time to go home and get ready.
Work started at nine.

"Excuse me," she said to everyone that she was passing. "Sorry!" Now she regretted wearing this outfit, with heels.
As she was running, she took off her heels and kept running.
She looked ahead and noticed kids were playing jump rope.
Oh gosh, she thought.
She ran into the jump rope and had made it.
People were looking at Selena like she was crazy, but she didn't care.
"I'll take that!" Selena grab a hotdog from someone's hands.

"HEY!" The guy yelled.

As she was running, she was eating on the hotdog, which was good. Did he make this?, Selena asked her self.

She got out of Central park and got onto the streets.

"TAXI!!" she yelled out, but nothing.
No taxi didn't stop and she was getting frustrated.
"TAXI!" she held her hand up in the air.
Still no taxi.
"Forget it!" She looked both ways and noticed that cars weren't really on the road.
Was she really going to do this? She asked herself.
She took a deep breath and step off the street.

"Ms, are you out of your mind?" A old man said.

"Yes." And with that she had ran into the road, with cars heading her way.
Some beep.

She was about to close her eyes, but that would've really gotten her killed.

She made it on the other side and noticed that Macy was coming out of Mc Donald's.

"Are you out of you mind?" Macy yelled to Selena. "Crossing the street like that is dangerous, Selena."

Selena was breathing hard.
"Trust me, I'm not doing that again."

"You better not. I can't ford to lose you, Selena."

Selena smiled.

"Can you explain why you are about to be late and why you have your new outfit on?"

Selena took another breath. "I over slept. Last night I tried it on and well I was enjoying it so much, that I had fallen sleep."

She raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Let's get to work."

We walked into Mc Donald's.


Later that night, Selena walked back to her apartment and was talking to Jake on the phone.

"Did you get in trouble for not being at work?" He asked.

"Nope, but I nearly killed myself going into the road, just to get to the other side."

"My goodness." He laughed.

"When I got on the other side, Macy was yelling at me, telling me don't ever do that again and so much stuff. Let's just that I'm not going to do that again."

"Please don't. I don't need to lose you."

Selena smiled. "Why is your voice echoing?"

Before he could say another word, she found Jake in front of her steps.
She moved the phone from her ear and smiled.

"Surprise." He got up and stood tall.

"What are you doing here?" She hung the phone up.

"Wanted to speak to you in person and I have to ask you a question."

"And what is that?"

"I have to go to Hawaii next week and I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me."

She stood there not knowing what to say.
Wait, Hawaii? Maybe she could invite Macy, so she can see her family. "Yes, I would love too. Just to let you know, I'll pay for mine."

"You sure?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes."

The days pass on and selena had paid for Macy's and her ticket.
She kind of felt bad because she didn't tell Jake she was going to invite Macy, her best friend.

A day pass and selena had gotten the tickets, so this was the chance to give Macy her ticket.
Selena walked into work, finding Macy looking down at a paper, writing something down.
Selena rushed over there and slide the ticket in front of her face.

"Get out." Macy looked up and was shocked. "You got me a ticket for Hawaii."

Selena held hers out.

"Oh my gosh, Selena." Macy got away from the counter and had wrap her hands around Selena.
"Why would you do this for me?"

"I felt like it was the best thing to do and plus you haven't see your family. I want you to surprise them."

Tears fell down her eyes. "You're an amazing friend. Let me do something for you. Let's go to the mall and we can buy us some bathing suit." She was happy.

Selena smiled and had grab Macy's hands. "We're going to Hawaii!"

They both jump up and down.

"Nothing could never ruin this trip!" Macy yelled out all happy.

Eh, Selena thought.

Okay, I hope this is a good part and I feel like I rushed into this, but it's because I wanted to get in the good part.

We Don't Talk Anymore // Book One Where stories live. Discover now