chapter fifty two

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Selena opened her eyes.

Selena had duck tape on her mouth. She was screaming and screaming.
She couldn't move. She looked up, seeing that both of her hands were tied to the bed bars. They rope her wrist to the bars.
Selena eyes got big and she was screaming.

Why was she tied? She noticed she was scared to see what was happening.
She cried and cried.
Where was Justin.
Please come Justin.
She closed her eyes, hoping to be asleep, but this was actually happening.
Never in her wildest dreams, she wouldn't of thought Macy would do this to her, even her ex, but mostly Macy. Macy was her best friend.
Did Macy have a reason why she was on Jake's side?
Was she helping to get revenge, but for what?

Selena heard foot steps coming toward the door.
Oh gosh, she thought. She then closed her eyes and maybe if she does that, then maybe they would have to wait when she woken up.

"So, what are you going to do to Justin?" Macy asked to Jake.

Justin? What were they going to do to my Justin, Selena thought.

"I'm going to punch him, beat him so many times to were he would go into a coma. When he gets in a coma, Selena and I are off to somewhere new and when Justin wakes up, he'll have amnesia, that's when you step up to him, telling him that you are his girlfriend and blah blah. We get what we want."

Selena eyes pop opened.
She wanted Justin.
She wanted Justin.
She wanted Justin.
This is horrible! She's taking her boyfriend, a boyfriend that doesn't even like her.
Selena wasn't going to let that happen!

Macy entered the room. She saw that she was awake. "Oh, did you hear that?" She walked close to her.

Selena looked at her with an evil eye.

She smiled and with that, she patted her cheek. "So, before I start this, do have any questions before I start?"

Start what? Selena asked herself. She tried to yank her hand off from the rope. They were tight.
Selena then remember that her feet was loose and she could use them.
Selena lifted her foot up, hitting Macy up side the head and she went back.

Macy touched her head. "Oh that does it!" Macy got up, storming to Selena. She then go ontop of Selena, making sure her feet wouldn't move.

Selena scream.

With that, Macy took out a blade and Selena eyes got bigger.

"You're probably wondering why I have this and so I'll tell you. I'm just getting your baby and calming it. But don't worry, you'll still be alive."

Selena scream, making her face red. She wiggle around, trying to let Macy not cut her stomach open.

"Stop moving! It's not good for the baby!" Macy yelled. She lift her shirt up, showing her big belly. The blade got close to her belly and Selena scream more.


Justin opened his eyes, finding himself in a dark room.
He rub the back of his head because that's were he got hit from.

"I'm going to kill that boy!" Justin hop on his feet, grabbing his phone. He put his light on. The light shine and he noticed he was in a room.
With that, Justin looked down, finding Jackson.

"Ah!" Justin yelled as going back. He placed his hand to his chest, breathing hard.
He ran up to Jackson, ripping the tape off.
"Jackson! You alive?"

Jackson lightly opened his eyes, feeling great to see Justin in front of him. He couldn't believe it. "You better hurry! They have Selena. Macy is in and all of this."

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