chapter thirty six

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Next morning.

Selena rolled over, finding the spot next to her empty.
She was confused.
Where was he, she thought.
She raised up from her bed, looking around.


No answer.

And with that, tears were appearing to her eyes because she thought Justin had actually left.

"please don't be gone." She got up, wrapping the covers around her because she didn't have anything on.
She ran down stairs, heading to the living room and finding noone there.
Tears fell down her eyes and so she ran to the kitchen and finding nothing.
Where was he, she thought and basically cried to herself.
She stood there, and she felt her whole body shaking.
She took a deep breath and had place her hand on her mouth and with that, she was crying but trying to hold it in.
She turned around so fast and she ran into Justin.

"Justin?" She cried.

He had two cups of coffee in his hands, which he brought it at the coffee shop.
He put the two cups on the coffee table next to them and he turned to her, placing both of his hands on her arms.

"What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying?" He looked at her.

"I-I thought you left."

He didn't say anything.

"I woke up, finding you not there and I was checking all around the house, but there was no sign of you and so I thought you left... me." She looked down.

"Look at me." He place his finger on her chin to make her look at him. "You have nothing to worry about. I will never leave you."

"But I left you," Selena said to him.

"That's the past, Selena." He pulled her in a hug and he wrap his hands around her. "I love you and I will never leave you. Okay."

She nodded. "Okay."

After when all that happened, Selena went up the stairs to take a shower because she had work.
As she got out of the shower, blow dry her hair and this time, she straighten her long brown hair and put her Mc Donald's outfit on and ran down stairs.

Selena walked to the kitchen, finding Justin sitting at the table, looking at the newspaper.
She smiled and walked behind him and lean down, kissing his cheek.

"Here's your coffee." He grab the second cup and gave it to her.

"Why didn't you just make coffee?" Selena grab the seat next to Justin and sat down.

He looked at her. "I was going to use your coffee maker, but it had so many buttons on it, so I didn't won't to break it."

"Maybe when I came back, I can show you how it works."

He smiled. "I would love that. Do you need me to drop you off at work?"

Selena nodded her head yes. "Yeah, you can come with me, but you got to not come out of the taxi because Macy can't see you."

Justin grab his coffee and grab Selena hand and they both got up, leaving.

They took a taxi to Selena job and as they got there, the taxi stop.

Selena looked at Justin. "Well, I guess I will see you later on."

Justin kissed her. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you." Selena opened the taxi door and got out, with that, Jackson pop up, standing at the car door.
"Jackson, what are you doing here?"

"Justin text me to meet here." Jackson grab Selena hand pulled her away from the door and she stumbled alittle.
She stood up straight, looking at Justin and Jackson.

Jackson shut the door and they drove off.
Selena turned around and walked inside of Mc Donald's and Macy looked at her.

"Why did Jackson get in your taxi?"

Selena shook her shoulders. "I honestly don't know." Selena put her apron on and walked to Macy. "So, where did Brendon sleep?"

"On the couch."

"No nothing?" Selena smiled.

Macy rolled her eyes. "Oh hush. Why do you think that I'm going to sleep with him?"

"I guess because you make it like he's the one," Selena asked.

"No I do not."

"Yeah you do. At Hawaii you told me that you have your life all map out. Brendon, me and so much stuff. So, why nothing?"

Macy looked down. "I'm not like you and Justin-" she paused and looked at Selena. "Okay, that came out mean. I'm sorry."

"No, keep going."

Macy took a deep breath. "I do love Brendon, but he isn't the guy I would want to sleep with. I don't see us like that. I feel like I'm not with the right guy yet. Do you know what I mean?"

Selena nodded. "Yeah. I was with Jake and I saw a life with him. It was like I was ready, but then Justin came along, it was like a sign, but now he's gone-"

"How are you with the whole Justin gone?" Macy asked.

"I'm good, just getting through the days."

Macy didn't say anything.

Later that day, Selena and Macy was on their break. They grab them a hamburger and fries and walked to the window in Mc Donald's.

"So glad work is about to be over," Macy said as opening her wrapper.

Selena nodded.
Selena opened her wrapper and grab her hamburger. "I'm so tired. All I want to do is take a bath and sleep." Selena bit into her hamburger and chew.
She felt sick.
She place her hand on her mouth and Macy looked at her weird.

"Hamburgers are not agreeing with you."

Selena grab a paper towel and spit it out.
"I guess not."
She wrap her hamburger up and decided she wasn't going to eat it.

Later that day, Selena took a taxi to her apartment.
She walked up to her door and opened it. She wasn't feeling good what's so ever.
Why was hamburgers doing this to her.
She opened her door and threw her bag to the side and walked up stairs to her room, finding Justin laying on the bed.

"You're back. I didn't hear you come in-" Justin raised up, seeing Selena acting weird. "You okay?"

Selena nodded. "Tired." She came up to him. "I'm going to take me a bath." Selena lean to him and kissed him.
She walked into the bathroom and turned the water on, putting the bubbles in.
The water got high and there was a lot of bubbles.
She took her clothes off and put her hair up.
She got into the bathtub and the water was so warm. Selena laid back, closing her eyes and relaxing.
This felt better.
Why was she feeling like this, she asked herself.
And with that, it came to her.

Selena opened her eyes and she raised up. She place her hand on her mouth. "Oh gosh."
At Hawaii, her and Justin slept together and she was about to throw up.
Last night they slept together again and she threw up her hamburger.

"I'm pregnant," she lightly said to herself.

Y'all think she is? Will she tell Justin and how will Macy handle this?

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