chapter seventeen

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Selena had walked back to the elevator and had pressed opened. She step back and stood next to Macy.
Tears were falling off her eyes and yet it was the most hardest thing she ever did.
She loved Justin, but she had to move on.

"You okay?" Macy asked.

Selena just nodded her head and not speaking and with that, the elevator had opened.
Selena walked in the elevator and Macy did the same.
She pressed five and the door closed, leading up to their room.
As they got up there, Selena walked out of the elevator and made her way to the room.
Macy speed up her legs and caught up with selena.
Selena placed her bag on the bed and she went in her suitcase, grabbing her PJs.

"Selena," macy said as standing there. "Did Justin do something?"

"No." Selena walked pass her and went into the bathroom.

Macy waited for her to come out.
Selena walked out.
"Then why are you crying?"

Selena didn't say anything.

"Selena, tell me!" Macy raised her voice.

"I'm done!" Selena cried out loud. "You are right. Three years ago he did hurt me and I waited years for him to come back to me, but now I realized that if I get back with him then it will be like three years ago. I'll be heartbroken. Macy, I have everything I need. I got you and I got Jake."

"You're going to say yes to him, aren't you?" Macy asked.

Selena nodded. "Yes, I am." Selena walked passed Macy and sat down on her bed, grabbing magazine from the stand and started to look through it.

Macy looked down and had felt bad for what Selena was going through.
Macy thought she was going to be happy about this, but now she didn't.
She was confused if she wanted Selena with Jake, but she was going to spy on Jake and selena to see if they connect.
Maybe that would give a answer to Macy.

Next morning came and Macy had woken up, not finding Selena there.
She was gone.
"Selena?" Macy looked around and there was no sign of her.
Where was she?
Macy got up and went on the balcony, looking down, seeing if she could see her and there she stood.
She was sitting down at the table, with her hands cross to her chest.
She was upset, Macy thought.
Macy looked over, seeing Justin looking at her and yet he didn't take his eyes off of her.
He must've really loved her.

Selena had sat there at the table with her hands cross to her chest, she was looking out at the view of the water.
Being in front of a water made Selena better. It would clear her mind.

"Selena," she heard.

Selena looked up, seeing Jake.

"You called me and asked if I could meet you here. Is everything okay?" He asked.

Justin had been sitting at the breakfast bar, looking at Selena. He couldnt get his eyes off her.
He wanted to go over there, but when he saw a guy come to her, he had gotten upset about it.
That was the guy she was telling him about. She wanted a life with him.

Selena got up from her chair and stood tall in front of Jake. "Would you still take me as your girlfriend?" Tears appeared to her face.

"What about that other guy you were with yesterday?" He asked.

He knew.
"That was my ex from three years ago, the one who cheated on me." She came up to him and had grab his hands. "Jake, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and now I understand that if I did choose him, I would be where I was three years ago and I don't wont that, Jake. You're my new future."

"So, I don't have to worry about him?" He asked.

Selena nodded her head no. "No, not at all. Jake, I love you."

His hand touched her cheek and smiled. "I love you too."
With that, they both lean in and had kissed each other.
"I've missed you," he said under the kiss.

"I've missed you too." She looked up at him.

"Let me take you out," Jake said.

"I would love too." Selena smiled.

Jake grab Selena hand and they walked off from the hotel.

Justin was angry about all this.
She was his, he thought.
Gosh, he was an idiot for cheating on her and if he never did cheat, she would've been in his arms.
Justin got off his chair and he had a plan, a plan that would get Selena attention.
He wasn't going to give up on the girl he loved.
He walked to the elevator and had pressed five. As the elevator door opened he walked to a room and had knocked.
He waited.
The door opened and there stood Macy.

"Justin." Macy step back.

"Just the girl I wanted to see." He walked in and had shut the door.

She step back again. "What do you want?"

"You." He pointed to her. He slowly step to her.

"Why me? Can't you get Selena." She was nervous.

"See, that's the problem. She's with that other guy." Justin raised his voice. "And now you're my only hope, Macy."

She blink her eyes and she was shaking. "Justin, stay back. You don't know what I'm capable of."

He let out a laugh.

"It's true!" She yelled out to him.

He ran to her and she ran on the other side of her bed.

"Stay back, Justin." She held her hand out. "Or I-I'll."

"And you'll what? Threaten me?"

She looked at the fish tank. "I'll throw the fish tank at you."

He rolled his eyes and jump on her bed, running to her
Macy tried to run, but Justin grab a hold of her waist and twisted her back to him and he pushed her on Selena bed.
Macy was scared and Justin bent down to her. He placed both of his hands on her wrist, to were she couldn't move.

"Justin, this is crazy." Macy turned her head, not looking at him.


"Just do it and get it over with." Macy cried.

"I need your help," he told her.

She looked at him weird. "Oh my gosh, I am not helping you. You're doing this by yourself."

"Please, Macy. I'm begging you." He begged to her.

She took a deep breath. "Okay, fine. I'll help you." With that, Macy lean up and placed her lips on Justin lips.
Justin was confused. He moved away from her so fast and fell to the Macy bed and wipe his mouth.

"What on earth are you doing?" He asked. "Oh my gosh, Macy."

She raised up and raised an eyebrow. "You wanted to rape me, didn't you?"

"No!" He yelled out. "Why would you think that?"

She didn't say anything.

"I needed your help about Selena," he said.

"Oh. My bad." She smiled. "Let's forget that ever happened."

He got up and looked at Macy. "Please do."

"So, what do you need?" She asked.

"I want Selena and I back together."

She wasn't for sure about this.
"Justin, I-"

He bent down to her, placing his knees to the ground, and grabbing her hands. He rested his arms on her legs and looked up at her.

"Macy, please. I love this girl and I would do anything to get her back. I know I did something three years ago, but that's the past. Heck, everyone does stuff in their past and it's hard to get over it, but they learn from their past, telling them that they can be a better person and that's what I want to do. I want to show Selena that I'm a better guy and that I have changed. Macy, please." Tears fell down his eyes.

Macy let go of his hands and rub her face. She took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll help you, but you help me out with something."


Will he get Selena back?

We Don't Talk Anymore // Book One Where stories live. Discover now