chapter twenty six

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Later that night, Selena had put the red dress on.

She looked in the mirror and this was going to be it

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She looked in the mirror and this was going to be it.
She was tired being cheat on and she wasn't going to let this one slip away and get away with it.
Selena stood up tall, fixing her red lips.

"Whoa, someone looks really beautiful!" Macy came walking into the door.

Selena smiled.

"You make me want to date you." She joked.

Selena turned to her. "I'm sorry, Macy."

"For what?" She asked.

"I made you stop talking to Jackson and I blame him for everything when it was clearly Jake's fault. You and Justin was right. Jake wasn't the right one for me."

"What are you going to do next when you get done with Jake?" Macy asked.

Selena shook her shoulders. "I have no idea." Her phone beep. "Hey, I got to go! Wish me good luck."

"Call me when you get done with him. Oh and it's supposed to rain tonight." Macy wrap her hands around Selena.

"I will and great."

Selena left the hotel and had went down the lobby.
She had took a taxi to the dance and it was so beautiful.
She got out of the taxi and walked where the party was at.
It was outside and people were talking, dancing and so much.
They looked at Selena and they thought she looked beautiful.
She looked around, trying to find Jake.
Where is he, she thought.
A guy was walking around, with a plate full of glasses of wine.
She took a glass and took a drink of it.
Ha! Jake was standing over there, talking to guys.
She stood tall, fixing her boobs and walked over there.

"Hey, baby." She stood in front of Jake.

Jake and the guys looked at her.

"Wow, you were right. She is hot," a guy said.

Selena smiled.

Jake itch his neck. "Yup, she is."

Selena rub his arm. "Let's dance." Selena hand the glass to the other guy and grab a hold of Jake's hand and brought him to the middle of the floor.
She wrap her hands around Jake's neck and he wrap both of his hands around her waist.

"This is nice," she said.

"Uh huh." He pressed his lips together and looked somewhere else.

Selena lean back to get a good view of him. "You okay? You look nervous, baby."


"I'm so glad we're together. I know for a fact that I want to spend my life with you instead of that cheating bastard, you know?"

"He was wrong f-for you," he said.

"Baby, you didn't tell me how beautiful I was in this absolutely amazing dress." Selena let go of him and went back, spinning around.

"I didn't think it would fit you."

Selena let out a laugh. "You're funny."
She looked at the stage and there stood a microphone.
"I'll be right back." Selena let go of him. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he said.

Selena left and then turned to see if he was looking, and he wasn't.
She ran on stage and grab the microphone.
"Isn't it a beautiful night?" Selena asked over the microphone.

The music went off and everyone was looking.

"Jake, isn't that your girlfriend?" A guy asked.
Jake sighed.

"It is a beautiful night." Selena let out a laugh. "But the reason why I came up here was because I have the most amazing boyfriend ever and he's standing there!" Selena pointed and everyone looked. He covered his face.
"Baby, don't be shy! Say hi."

He waved. People were smiling and laughing.

"I've been wanted to sing this song to you and I know how bad you wanted to here me sing and baby, this is the best time to do it." Selena pointed at the guys in the back. "Play me something."
They started to play.
"Together, forever, you broke up with me when we got here, but we love each other and made our way back to each other" Selena sung weird and messing up the lyrics. Selena got on her knees. "I love you, baby! I love you so much! Ahhh. I'll never leave you because that's how much I love you."

Jake ran on the stage and grab the mic. "Okay, that's enough."

Selena raised an eyebrow and got up. "But, baby-"

"No buts. Stop embarrassing me," he said to him.

"But, we love each other, don't we?" Selena did a sad face.

He looked at the people and back at Selena.

"Or you don't wont to be seen with me Because you've been cheating on since we got here."

He stood there, not knowing what to say.

Selena snatch the microphone out of his hands. "What's wrong, baby? Cats got your tongue?"

"Jake!" A girl yelled out loud.

Selena smiled. She looked over and a girl was coming up the stage, all mad.

"I don't know who she is," Jake said.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Excuse you? I'm your girlfriend."

Selena looked at her. "Well, guess what. He's been cheating on both of us at the same time."

"What? No, that can't be true," she said.

Jake looked down.

"How could you!" The girl cried.

Selena pressed her lips together. "Do you honestly think I'm that stupid? What, did you think that I wouldn't find out soon? Well, not to break your heart, but I did. Jake, I actually did loved you, but I now know what you are. You get with girls and just used them. Don't talk to me ever again because we're absolutely done." Selena threw the microphone down and walked off the stage.
She was done with all this.

"Taxi!" She yelled out.
The taxi stop and she got in and drove off.
She took the paper out of her hand held bag and looked at Justin number.
She wanted him.
She still loved him and she knew for a fact that he wasn't going to hurt her anymore.
He loved her and she loved him.

We Don't Talk Anymore // Book One Where stories live. Discover now