chapter forty eight.

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Later that night, Selena laid in bed, waiting for Justin to get home.

"I'm home!" Justin yelled out. He closed the main door.
Selena got out of the bed and walked down stairs, finding him taking off his tux and tie.
Selena was happy that he was back. She went up to him and kissed his cheek.

"We've missed you so much."

Justin raised an eyebrow. "We've?'

"The baby, Justin."

He smiled. "I knew that."

Selena smiled and wrap her hands around his neck and place her lips on his lips.
She kissed him and with that, he wasn't kissing her back.
Selena lean back and gave him a weird look.

"You're not kissing me back?" She smelt of her breath. "It is my breath?"

He nodded his head no.

"Then what is it?" She asked, worried.

"I'm worried."

"Worried about what?" Oh gosh, now he making Selena worry. "Oh gosh, you're worried about us." Selena went back, letting tears coming to her eyes.

Justin came up to her, grabbing her arms and making her look at him. "I'm not worried about us."

"Oh." She stop her tears. "What is it?"

"I'm worried about Jackson. I called him, left him voicemails and still nothing." Justin moved away from her, walking to the couch. "He never does this. I'm his buddy."

Selena walked to him and sat down. "Maybe he's just upset."

"What did you say to him?"

"Only what I said was, next time you come here, call first and I told him not to come back," Selena said.

Justin didn't say anything.

"This is fault." Selena looked away, but justin grab her hand.
"Justin, don't tell me that it isn't because it is." Selena looked at him. "I made him so upset that he doesn't won't to answer our calls or text." Selena got up, walking off to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Sleep." She kept walking.

"No love?" Justin made a sad face.

"No love, baby." Selena walked into the room, laying down on the bed, feeling depressed.
Justin ran up the stairs, jumping onto the bed. He got close to Selena, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"One kiss on my neck." He kissed Selena shoulder. "Please! I forgot what it was like to feel your beautiful kisses on my neck." He begged.
Selena turned around and Justin laid flat on the bed, moving his head out the way, letting Selena kiss his neck.
Selena lean down to his neck, holding her lips out and with that, she started to cry.
Her head fell into his neck and Justin sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just hate myself." She cried.

Justin rub her hair. "Let's go over there."

"No! Jake is there and I can't stand him."

"I got something! We'll make Macy go there," Justin said.

Selena raised up, looking at him. "Really?" Tears were falling from her eyes.

Justin smiled and moved pieces of her hair back. "Yes. Jackson likes her and he will answer for her."

Selena nodded. "Okay, I think that will work. Justin?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Could you put the covers over me? I'm cold."

He raised up, grabbing the covers and placing it on her. "You're not going to change out of your clothes?"

"Too lazy."

Justin had a idea. "I'll change you."

"You don't have too-"

"But I will!" Justin ran over the dresser, grabbing a big white t.shirt. Justin took his clothes off and leading to his boxers.
He walked over to Selena and grab her hands.
Selena felt heavy.
He made her stand up and she didn't like that whats so ever. All she wanted to do was lay down.
He undid her pants, leading to her panties. He stood up taking her shirt off.
"Do you want your bra on?"

She nodded her head no. With that, Selena fell on Justin, putting her arms on his neck.
Justin lost balance, but held her.

"Selena, baby, you got to work with me."

She closed her eyes. "I thought you wanted to make love?"

"Oh now you want to." He wrap his hands around her back, unsnapping her bra. "Ha! I got it."

"Oh baby, that feels nice."

Justin looked at her weird. "What did you and Macy do at the park?" Justin put the t.shirt on her.
Selena looked like a drunk person.
Justin picked her up, lightly placed her on the bed and put the covers on her. She was asleep.
Justin stood there. "Not how I planned this night." Justin turned the lights off.

Next day

Selena woke up. Her head was hurting and didn't know why. She turned over, seeing Justin pass out.

Justin moved alittle and Selena shake him. "Justin."


"Justin!" She shake him more.

"But mommy, it was my cookie," Justin was saying out loud.

Selena lean down to him and place her lips on his neck and it was making Justin smile.
She kept kissing his neck.

"That feels good, mommy."

Selena stop and looked at him weird. With that, Justin opened his eyes.

"Gotcha ya." He kissed her lips.

"How long were you awake?" Selena asked.

"When you were shaking me." Justin looked at the clock and had to get up. "I need to go to work."

"Could you skip it?" Selena did the puppy face.

He smiled and kissed her. "You know I can't."

"I know." Selena grin.

Justin got up and Selena laid in bed, watching him get dress.

"Are you going to tell Macy to go to Jackson house?" He asked.

Selena nodded. "Yeah."

Justin came up to Selena. "Please do my tie."

Selena raised up, grabbing his tie. "I need to teach you.'

He smiled. "I like this better."

Selena got done and Justin kissed her one more time.

"I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

Later on.

Selena and Macy was near Jackson's and Jake's apartment.

"Selena, I don't know about this." Macy was scared. "I got a bad feeling."

"Please, do this."

"Why can't you go in there?" Macy cried.

Selena pointed at her belly. "I'm pregnant. Go." Selena pushed Macy and she stumbled. "Sorry."

Macy walked up to the the door and Selena hid.
Macy knocked on the door and with that, Jake came to the door.



"May I help you?" He asked Macy.

"I was looking for Jackson. Is he here?"

"I thought you didn't care for him?" He looked at Macy weird.

"I don't. Justin and Selena was worried."

He was now mad. "Well, he did come back all mad and I kept asking what was wrong with him, but he didn't answer me. I haven't seen him since then."

"Oh. Well, if you do, then can you tell him to call Justin or Selena?"

Jake nodded. "Sure."

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