chapter three

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Morning came, and Macy had woken up.
She yawn. "Morning." She stretched her arms and legs, and with that, she didn't feel anyone on the bottom. "Selena?" She hit the bottom cushion with her feet. She raised up. "Selena?" She got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, but she wasn't there.
Okay, where did she go, Macy asked herself.
She headed upstairs and checked every room, and selena room was the last room that she didn't check. She lightly opened Selena door. "Selena?" She whispered.
No word.
I guess she wasn't here. Macy nearly shut the door in till she heard someone crying.
She opened the door and walked. She ran to the bathroom that was connected with Selena room.
She opened the door and found Selena on the floor right next to sink, crying.

"Oh, Selena." Macy bent down. "Why are you in here crying?"

She was still crying.

"Please talk to me." Macy moved pieces of her hair back. "Selena."

"I had a d-dream."

"A dream of what?" She asked.

"Justin and I." She cried. "He took me out to a picnic a-and it felt so real, Macy. He told me how much he loved me and that he would always be there for me. I woke feeling all this pain, and I remember telling myself that stop feeling like this, Selena." She looked down at her fingers. "Then my dream made me realize something."

"And what is that?" She rub Selena knee with her hand.

"That I don't want to stay single for the rest of my life," Selena said.

"So, you're going to find Justin and go after him?" She asked.

I nodded my head no. "No. I'm over him, and I'm done with him. I need to find another guy. Someone that I know won't hurt me."

"That's my girl! Come." Macy pulled Selena up on her bare feet. "I know a place."

Selena wiped her tears from her face.

Later that day, Macy and Selena had gotten ready to go out.

"Where are you taking me?"

Macy grabbed Selena hand. "We are going to have a girls' night out, and maybe you'll meet a guy there."

"So, tell me. What if a guy comes up to you and what you are going to do?" Selena asked.

"Easy. I'll say that I'm with someone and I'm happy in love. Selena, I'm going for the drinks. You're going for the guys."

Selena didn't say anything.


"Gosh, it's been forever being here," Selena said.

Macy didn't say anything but dragged Selena's hand to the bar. Macy put two fingers up, telling the guy she wanted two drinks.

"How are you feeling?" Macy asked.

"Alittle nervous. What if a guy doesn't want to dance with me?"

"You're worrying too much." Macy grabbed her drink that the guy had given her. She took a drink and then made a face. "Wow, that is strong."

Selena smiled.

"Hey," someone had said

Macy and Selena look, seeing two guys standing there.
They were cute. Both of them had blonde hair, and they looked like twins.
Macy looked at Selena and smiled, and Selena had rolled her eyes.

"Do y'all want to dance?" The other guy asked.

Macy stood up. "I'm already taken, but Selena would like to." She looked at Selena. "Would you, Selena."

"Uh, well -"

"See, she would love too." Macy walked off.

"I'll be right back," the guy said.

The other guy stood there, and yet he seemed like a nice guy, and it seemed like he wasn't in all of this. He walked up to Selena.

"Could I sit here?"

Selena nodded.

"So, your name is Selena, right?"

She nodded again, not saying a word.

"Don't talk much, do you?" A smile appeared to his face.

"Funny. I do talk, but I'm not sure if I want to do this." She took a drink of her drink and made a face. She pushed it back and just looked straight.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing." She pushed her lips together and then got off the chair. She went through her purse and put a tip down on the bar, and walked off.

"Wait!" The guy said as he got up from his seat and ran after her.
Selena made her way out of the club and stood at the sidewalk, about to call a taxi.

"Wait!" He caught up with her. "I'm not one of those guys who goes to clubs and pick up girls -"

Selena raised up an eyebrow.

"My brother made me come."

"And what for?" She asked.

"Probably doing the same thing as you're doing. You got dumped and don't know what to do with life."

She just looked at him.

"Give me a chance. I'll take you somewhere else instead of staying at this lame crap," he said.

Selena laughed. "Lame crap?"

He smiled. "Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you. Anywhere."

She knew where she wanted to go.


"You always come here?" He asked her.

They were in Central Park.

"Yeah. I don't know why, but it calms me down. I always have a book next to my side when I come here. It basically takes me in a better place, you know?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I do. My name is Jake, by the way."

"What's your brother name?"


"So y'all twins?" She asked.

He nodded his head no. "No, but I'm the cute one." He smiled.

She smiled back. "I wasn't actually dump."

He looked at her.

"3 years ago, I was in a relationship with a guy, and well, he cheated on me. I left him, and well, I've been single since then. Macy, the girl you saw me with, well she took me out and yup, that's my story."

"How long were you and that guy been going out?" He asked.

"For four years."

He was shocked. "And then he cheated on you. That's crazy."

"Tell me about it. Well, he's the past, and I need to move on," she said.

"But you haven't dated since then.."

"I know. I guess I'm scared."

Jake put his hands in his pocket and looked at Selena. "Of course you're going to be scared, but don't stop dating. Selena, you're going to get heartbroken plenty of times, but those heartbreaks are going to lead to someone better. Trust me."

She looked at him, not knowing what to say.
Maybe he was right. Maybe she had to get over her fear and try to date again.

We Don't Talk Anymore // Book One Where stories live. Discover now