chapter thirty

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At the beach, Selena looked at Macy.

"Hey, I'm going to get a soda from the bar." Selena had got up, but Macy grab her arm.
Selena raised an eyebrow.
"You okay?"

Macy lightly let her arm go. "Yeah, sorry."

Selena got up and had walked to the soda bar and only why she did that was because Justin had text her telling her to come here.
Selena looked back, noticing Macy wasn't looking.
Selena looked around and whispered. "Justin?" She looked around, not finding anyone.
With that, Selena had heard giggling and laughing.
Selena looked over the bar counter, seeing Justin sitting there, texting and laughing.


He jump and had hit his head under the counter. He rub his head. "Ow."

"What on earth are you doing?" She asked.

He peek over the counter, just showing his eyes. "Scaring the crap out your best friend."

Selena rolled her eyes. "I can tell." Selena looked back at Macy, seeing her looking around, finding if she could see if people were texting. "Is that the only reason why you asked me to come here to you?"

"What?" Oh, no. I was wondering if you wanted Chinese tonight?"

"Sure," she said.

"Okay! I'm going to teach that girl a lesson! Mahahaha!" Justin slowly went down and hit the ground, texting again.

"You forgot something," Selena said.

Justin pop up. "Oh right!" His lips touched her lips and he went back. "I'll see you tonight, baby." He went back down under the bar.
Selena step back from the bar and grab a drink and had left.

Selena sat back down on the sand right next Macy.

"Hey, why isn't  Brendon with you?" Selena asked.

Macy looked at her. "He was going to unpack."

"And you didn't help? Girl, I would've help him out."

"Why, so I can kiss him and then out of nowhere make love to him?"

Jackson felt uncomfortable.

"I wasn't meaning that. Y'all havent spent time together and you should be there with him."

"Well, it's too late," Macy said.

"No, it isn't. You have time to go to his hotel."

"Could you take me?" Macy asked.

"That's weird."

"No, it isn't. What if someone kidnap me, Selena?" She cried.

"Why would someone do that. You're just talking crazy talk-"

"I'll take you," Jackson said.

Selena and Macy looked at him.

"What?" Jackson asked.

Macy laughed. "Then he'll think."

"No, he wouldn't. We've been friends since high school, remember?" Jackson looked at her.

"Okay, am I missing something?" Selena asked. She was confused.

Macy looked at Selena. "I'll explain to you later."

"Come on," Jackson said.

Macy sighed. "Fine."
They both got up and Macy put a long t.shirt on and they walked off. 

Macy had went back to the hotel and had grab a pair of pants and place them on.
Jackson and Macy walked down the hallway to Brendon room.

"Okay, this is it." Macy knocked on the door. "Oh, you can leave now."

"Okay." He backed up and left.

Macy knocked again, but no answer.
Why wasn't he answering.
"Brendon?" She knocked again.
She took a deep breath.

"He's not answering?"

Macy jumped and turned around, finding Brendon behind her. Her hand touched her chest. "You scared me."

He smiled and stood there.

"Uh, I was coming to ask if you need any help with unpacking?" She asked nervously.

He nodded his head no. "No. I got it all finished, but would you like to go walking with me?"

Macy smiled. "I would love that."

Macy grab his hand and they walked down the hallway, with that, Jackson was standing on the other side of a door, which you take stairs to. He watched them walked off.
He looked down, wishing it was Macy and him.

Selena was laying on her stomach, texting Justin.
She couldn't help but laugh at what she was saying to him.

Selena - dang, I wish Macy would leave, so you can come down here and lay next to me 😞

With that, Selena saw feet standing in front of her. She looked up, seeing Justin looking down at her.
His arms were cross to his chest.

"Is that so?" Justin asked. "Macy has been gone for five minutes and I could've been down here with you."

Selena smiled. Well, I wanted to play alittle joke on you."

Justin sat down in front of her. "Can I ask you a question?"


"When we go back to New York and I'm living with you, what will Macy think when she see's guy stuff?"

Selena thought of that. "We'll think of a way."

"You want to get out of here?" He asked her. His hand touched her shoulders, rubbing them. "And maybe hang out at my hotel?"

"Well, she went to hang with Brendon, so it won't hurt." She got up and grab Justin hand.
They both walked off from the beach and took the elevator to Justin room. They both looked both ways, hoping they wouldn't find Macy up here, which they didn't.
Selena stop at her hotel, grabbing her a long t.shirt and they both left and walked to his hotel
He unlock the door and they walked in.
He shut the door and had grab a hold of selena and picked her up.
Selena wrap her legs around his waist and then wrap her arm around Justin.
They both had kissed each other. He had pushed her against the wall and had kissed down her neck, with that, he brought her to the couch and was ontop of her.
He took her long t.shirt off and she had took his off.

"Wait, wait-" her hands touched his chest, pushing him back.

He looked at her. "What?"

"Are you still ordering the Chinese food?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious right now?"

A smiled appeared to her face.

"You can always have me for dinner." He lean down and kissed her neck

She thought about it. "No, I still want the food."

He lean up, looking at her. She let out a laughed.

"I'm kidding, now kiss me." She wrap her hands around his neck and he had lean down, kissing her.

What do y'all think about Jackson and Macy?

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