chapter sixteen

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The next morning came and selena and Macy left the room and went to walk around.
They wanted to spend their time together.

They both went down to the beach, wearing their bathing suit.

"I'm going to get red," Macy said as taking her long shirt off.

"You'll be okay. Let's enjoy this." Selena took her shirt off, which led her in her whole bikini.
She grab Macy's hands and drag her to the sand.
"Let's have some fun!" Selena yelled out loud.

"Whoo!" Macy laughed out loud.

They both ran into the water and with that, the waves had came and splash ontop of them.
They both grab each other hands and fell into the water, but didn't get their hair wet.

"That's cold," Macy said.

"I know right." Selena laughed. "You got a seaweed in your hair." She grab it out of her hair and showed it to her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Where did that come from?"

They both laughed and selena was enjoying this time with her best friend.
She knew deep down that she didn't have to worry about hiding things to her because she knew she could tell her stuff.

Justin was coming out the hotel door, waking near the beach in till his eyes had caught Selena.
Gosh, she was so beautiful, Justin thought.
He was in love with her and yet he could never stop loving her.
He promised himself that whatever happens between them, he would still love and be there for her.
He watched as Selena was swimming around in the water and enjoying this day with her best friend.
His plan work and he was glad it did.
He wanted to go out there, just to say hey to Selena, but he didn't won't to ruin it for them two.
He stood there still watching her and with that, he thought maybe he could ask her if he could take her out for dinner.
He had hope for the two and he knew that once they were together again, that he wasn't going to ruin it again.
He loved her.

Selena and Macy got out the water and grab their towels.
Macy wrap her towel around her and let the sun warm her up and to be honest it was working.

"Hey, I'm going to get me a drink. You want something?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine." Selena laid down.

Macy walked to the bar outside and they were selling drinks and so much more.

"Can I get a Pepsi?" She said as sitting down

The guy gave her a Pepsi.

"Thank you." Macy got up and turned around and with that, she had bump into someone.

"Sorry," the guy said.

It was Jackson.

"Oh gosh, not you again." She looked away and itching her side forehead.

"What, no Hello's or how are you?" He asked.

"Nope." She looked at him. She walked passed him and he ran up to her and got in front of her.

"I'm sorry, okay."

She looked at him.

"My brother talked to me-"

Macy let out a laugh. "You needed your brother to talk to you. Wow, that's -"

"Let me finished," he interrupting her.

"One minute."

"Okay. I've been acting like a total idiot to you, trying to flirt with you about how great you were and blah blah blah and so much and I realized that every girl I slept with I don't think of them, but you I do. You haven't left my mind every since we slept together and I don't know why-"

Macy was about to walk off because his time was out, but he his hand grab a hold of her arm.

"I don't know why, but I want to try hanging out with you. I want to get to know you more."

She looked into his eyes and couldn't believe what he said to her. She pressed her lips together and couldn't make up her mind if she wanted to do that. "I'm sorry, but no." With that, tears were appearing to her eyes and she didn't know why. "I have a boyfriend that's about to be here and I'm doing better with life. Selena and I are talking again and I have a great boyfriend and I don't wont you to come walking in my life, telling me you just realized what you did was stupid. It means alot, but no." Macy walked passed him.
Jackson was shocked. He could believe that a girl like her would just walk off like that.
He was heartbroken and he has never been heartbroken.

Macy came back and selena looked at her.

"What did he want?" Selena asked

She looked at her. "He wanted to hang with me because he realized what he did was stupid."

"Did you say yes?"

She nodded her head no.

"What for?" Selena asked.

"My life is going good and I don't need that man whore."

Selena looked down at the sand and thought about justin.
It was like Macy had her life great and she knew what was wrong and right.
Selena thought for second about when Justin said that he changed and that he would never do that again, but what if it happens again.
She had a great friendship with Macy.
She had a great relationship with Jake and they both loved each other and now she was confused.
Selena laid back down and just looked up at the sky and thought what she needed in her life.

Later that day, Macy and Selena was walking into the hotel to go back into their room.
Selena pushed the elevator button, so they waited for it to opened it.

"Selena!" She heard.

She looked back and justin stood there with a smile on his face.
He wanted to see her.

"Macy, hey." He looked at Macy and Macy grin.
She didn't like the fact that justin cheated on her.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked.

He brought her aside and Macy waited.

"I wanted to ask if you I could take you out tonight?"

Selena looked at him and took a deep breath. "No."

"Okay, great!" He clap his hands together and then realized what she said. "Wait, what?"

"I'm sorry." Selena said as looking down. "I don't think us wont work, Justin." She looked at him with the tears from her eyes.

"But why?" He cried to her.

"because I love someone else."

He looked at her. "But yesterday you were telling me that you loved me and that you missed us a-and."

Tears fell down her eyes. "And I know, but my life is already going great. I have a best friend and a new guy that is waiting for me. Justin, you cheated on me three years ago and you know how painful that was, huh? It took years to get over that. It took years to get my life straight and right now if I make a decision to be with you, it's going to be like three years again." She took his hands. "Justin, you have to move on because now I am." She let go of his hands and tears fell down his eyes.

"Selena, I did change." He grab her hand.

"I'm sorry, Justin, but I don't wont this again, because deep down you'll hurt me." She yank her hand away and walked off.

We Don't Talk Anymore // Book One Where stories live. Discover now