The Dragon Princess (A NaLu Fanfiction)

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  This story contains grammatical errors and misspelled words. If you hate those stuffs, i suggest you that you stop right here and don't continue reading. I wrote this 3 years ago, with NO writing experience. [I'm not saying that I have now] I actually cringed reading this. IT'S A NIGHTMARE!!

  If you think you could ignore those things just to read this, then go ahead. Don't say i didn't warn you, though. THERE ARE A LOT OF MISTAKES AHEAD. You have been warned. I would have edited this whole story but i wanted a reminder and souvenir of when i was still starting. [Also to laugh at myself] This is actually the third story i posted here on wattpad. So, i was really inexperienced and ignorant.

  To those who decided to continue, ENJOY! Don't say i didn't warned you..


Lucy's POV

Hi, I'm Lucy Heartfilia. I'm a Celestial Mage at Fairy Tail guild. I'm 17 years old and currently a member of Fairy Tail's strongest team, Team Natsu.

I have a big secret that only me, Wendy and Charles know. I really want to tell the others especially to Natsu and Gajeel, but I can't. I promised them that I won't let anyone know about it.

My Big Secret is..


















I know where all the Dragons are.

I know where they are, I also know why they all disappered on 7/7/7. Wondering how? and why?

Well, that's because my mom, Layla Heartfilia, was their former queen. They were called back to the Dragon Realm on 7/7/7 because of a Dark wizard named, Zeref.

He is after the throne. So he plans on killing all the Dragons one by one until my mom surrenders the crown. But my mom was able to call them back before he could do anything to them.

My mom fought him with all what she got. She wasn't successful though. He was too powerful so she decided to put him on a deep slumber instead.

Because of that incident, my mom decided to stay at the Dragon Realm for good. Her physical body died on Earthland but her Spirit was still alive on the Dragon Realm. My mom manage to make a temporary physical body. So she is still alive, until now. But she still stays at the Dragon Realm.

My mom told me all this before she die- I mean her physical body died. I was only 10 back then, so it was really hard to take in. She also gave me a book to study.

The book was about spells. It has transformation spells, barriers, and portals. I focused on portals, because I was really hoping on making a portal through the Dragon Realm.

After a year when mom died, dad became really strict, ignorant, selfish, and all what he can think of is Money. When mom died, he started to changed.

He always blame me for my mother's death. Because of that, I started to fear him. I never wanted to be near him because he will just shout at me.

After a year of self-studying, I succeeded. I was able to make a portal to the Dragon Realm.

When I got there, mom was the one who welcomed me. I also met all the dragons.

Igneel, the Fire Dragon. Grandeneey, the Sky Dragon. Metallicanna, the Metal Dragon. Stella, The Celestial Dragon. Aquamarine, the Water Dragon. Acnologia, the Dark Dragon. Blazt, the Lightning Dragon. Breeze, the Snow Dragon. Jade, the Nature Dragon. Rio, the Space Dragon. And Ria, the Time Dragon.

All the Dragons trained me. Which means I know all types of Dragon Slayer Magic. I lived in the Dragon Realm from then on.

That is until I turned 16. I started to wonder what the real world would like. I really dream on having real human friends.

My mom learned about my daydreams so she gave me permission to live on Earthland. I hesitated at first, but I agreed on the end. It will be a whole new experience for me.

Well, here i'm now. A Fairy Tail wizard. I'm with my new friends who truly cares for me. I have been living on Earthland in peace. But they don't know the real me. Will it stay like this? Or will they find out the truth?


I just can't take it anymore... Well you see i'm a very big fan of Natsu x Lucy (NaLu) Fanfictions so I decided to write one.

I hope you still support my other stories. This idea just popped in my mind while i'm reading a NaLu Fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail nor its character. Hiro Mashima owns it. I just own the story.

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Love lots,


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