Chapter 34: Erza, Don't give up..

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Lucy's POV

  Me and Natsu had been running for 30 minutes now. Natsu is still holding my wrist. I can't help but blush.

  My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a door. I opened it and gasped.

  The door led to a quite dark room. And at the middle of the room was a big cross and a man attached to it. He has black hair and pale skin. I gasped when I realized who it was. It was Zeref. The cross has candles surrounding it. Like a ritual was being held. Zeref was surrounded by a black aura.

  We quickly ran towards, suddenly someone shouted "Black Wave". A black wave of dark magic made its way to us. "Heaven's Barrier" I chanted and the barrier shielded us.

  "Who goes there?" A voice boomed throughout the room.

  "Who are you?!" I shouted back.

  "Me? My name is Joshua. I'm the one responsible for all these." Joshua said with an evil laugh.

  "You don't know what you're doing. The world is in grave danger because of you" I said.

  "I know what i'm doing. We are planning to make a new world were I will become king!" Joshua said.

  "And how exactly are you going to do that?" Natsu asked.

  "Using Zeref's powers." Joshua said.

  "We won't let you do that!" I said.

  "Is that so? But I guess you are a little to late. Zeref will be fully awaken in less than 30 minutes." Joshua said with a smirk.

  "But he won't be completed in another 24 hours." Natsu exclaimed.

  "Using my own magic, I shortened the process of his awakening" Joshua said smirking.

  "Luce, listen to me. I'll take care of him. Just go and take care of Zeref" Natsu whispered.

  I just nodded and made my way to Zeref.

  "Not so fast, Thunder Slash" he chanted.

  Black Thunder was sent to me.

  "I'm your opponent, Fire Dragon's Talons" Natsu said. Fire clashed on Thunder.

  "Go, Luce!" Natsu shouted.

Back to Erza
Erza's POV

  Alice and I had been on a fierce battle. I don't know how long I can hold on. Alice chanted another spell, "Dark Dragon's Flaming Fist". She charged at me with black flame covering her fist.

  I caught her right hand with my left hand. I used a force and threw across the room. I requiped on my cheetah armour and I charged at Alice.

  I kicked her on the side, then on the other side. I summoned my sword and I attempted to stab her but she caught it with her bare hands. Blood dripping from both her hands.

  "Wrong move, Titania. Dark Dragon's Roar" She chanted. A black beam was about to me.

  Using my cheetah armour, I dodged her attack.

  "You're really something, Titania. But i'm afraid that this will be your end. Dark Dragon's Secret Art: Black Phoenix" she chanted. A black phoenix emerged from the black magic circle behind her.

  I flew towards me. I was able to dodge its first few attacks. But the phoenix was really fast, it managed to attack me. I got hit on my left arm, right leg, and right side of my stomach.

  I requip to my heart kruz armour. I also summoned all my swords in the air. It reached the number of 100.

  "Dance, my blades" I said. All my swords charged at Alice.

  "Dark Dragon's Blood Eyes" she chanted. Her eyes became red. Red as blood. I  gasped because my swords stopped attacking her.

  It all turned around and attacked me instead. I wasn't able to dodge them. I fell on the floor, slowly losing my concouisness. Until I heard a voice..
  'Erza, Don't give up.' said the voice.

  That voice. It sounded like Jellal. But its impossible.
  'Erza, please don't give up. I believe in you. You can do it. SNAP OUT OF IT' The voice said.

  I can't be wrong. It is Jellal. But how? And he's right I can't give up! Not now, not ever.

  I slowly got up. I requip to my Purgatory Armour and charged Alice who seem to be in shock. She wasn't able to dodge my attack.

  I stabbed her on her stomach. She coughed out blood.

  "Bu..t. Ho..w? H..ow yo..u m..e?" Alice said.

  "Because of my friends trust. They trusted me and that's what kept me alive." I said.

  I removed my blood covered sword from her stomach. She collapse on the floor.

  "Jellal." I whispered.

At the Magic Council
Normal POV

  A blue haired man on a cell was silently praying for his friends.

  "Erza, I always knew you can do it. I just wished I told you how much I loved you." Jellal whispered with a tear escaping his eye.

Back to Erza

  "Jellal, I will wait for you. I will always love you. Now and Forever" Erza whispered.


Hey guys..

A JerZa moment..

Hope you like it...

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Love lots,


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