Chapter 21: Natsu's reaction

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Natsu's POV

  It was just a normal day at Fairy Tail that is until 4 hooded figures entered guild. They were all wearing blue cloaks and there scents was covered with the scent of forest. So I can't really point out there smells.

  But there's something at the back of my head that's keep telling me that I know them. But I can't remember where or when.

  I looked intensely at the tallest figure trying to know if its a he or a she. And after looking at her closely. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. Not long enough, she noticed me. I don't know why but she nervously stared back.

  I can still see her eyes. I think its honey brown. But i'm not really sure because of her hood. There is a side of me that wants to hug her and never wanted her to go. But why? Who is this girl?

  My thoughts were interrupted when she turned away. She and the other hooded figures approachee the bar asking to talk to Master. Mirajane nooded and pointed at the stairs. They didn't waste time and hurridly went master's office.

  Who is she? And why does she seems so familiar? And why can't I remove my attention from her. I can't forget about her. Her sweet honey brown eyes seems so familiar. Who is she really?

-Timeskip- 25 minutes later.

  Those hooded figures hasn't come out of master's office. Ugh, I just want to ask who she is.

Back to Lucy
Lucy's POV

  "So are you ready to face the guild?" Master.

  I just nooded slowly. We removed our cloaks and went downstairs. Master was the first one come down.

  "LISTEN, BRATS! I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!" the guild went silent. I just sweatdropped. Thet really respect him.

  "ALL OF YOU DID SAW THE 4 HOODED GIRLS EARLIER, DID YOU?" Master started. They nooded and started to whisper to each other.

"So they were girls"

"I hope there beautiful"

"You think they'll join the guild?"

"I hope there not scary and hot headed" and some other stuffs.


  I saw Levy, Erza, Juvia, Mira, Gray, Gajeel's and some other smart guild member's eyes widened. They caught up to fast than I expected.

  Levy, Erza and Mirajane started to cry a pool of happy tears. Thankfully Gajeel, Laxus, Gray and Jellal are there to calm them down. Gray and Gajeel are wearing a smirk on their faces. While the other guild members were looking at them like they were crazy.

  "What in the name of Mavis is happening here?" Natsu said with a hint of panic in his voice.

  "Are you all idiots to not see?" Levy started.

  "See what?" Natsu asked confused.

  I mentally face palmed. He's really an idoit. But that's a part of him that I really like. I just smiled at the thought.

  I glanced at Wendy, Charles and Sapphira nooding. Well, I guess its show time.

  "Those girls are-" Erza said while I cut her mid sentence.

  "What's all the ruckus about?" I asked.

  They all turned to us. There eyes widened. Silence filled the air. I looked around and for the second time that day, I met Natsu's eyes.

  His onxy eyes was watery. Well i'm not that suprised. People around us started to back away giving us way. I approached him slowly until we were only an arm lenght. His eyes were still wide.

  "Lu..ce" he managed to blurted out.

  I just smiled at him.

  "Natsu, Minna i'm back." I said with a smile.

  He grab my wrist and pulled me to a tight hug. I was shocked at first but I hugged him back. I can feel his hug tighten as if he doesn't want to let go.

  "Don't ever pull a trick like that again. You hear me?" He whispered at my ear. I just slowly nooded.

  "And if you ever dare to leave me again, i'll search every inch of Earthland just to find you." He whispered again.

  I can't help but melt with his words. This is one side of Natsu that I like. His over-protective side. He makes me feel protected whenever i'm with him. He always saves me and protect me. He's my knight-shining-armor.



I was screaming like a fangirl while writting this chapter...

NaLu Moment..

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Love lots,


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