Chapter 25: Telling Master

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Lucy's POV

  I woke up catching my breath. I dreamt about it again. I don't know how long I can take this. Seeing my friends lifeless is way too much for me.

  Wendy, Charles and Sapphira knew about this. Wendy and Charles even presented to sleep at my apartment just to comfort me if ever I dreamt about it. I told them not to bother but they insisted. They even gave me there cutest puppy dog eyes. And I can't resist those.

  Here i'm again sitting on my bed breathing heavily. Sapphira, hearing me, woke up. She was sleeping beside me while Charles and Wendy was sleeping at the guest room.

  "Lucy, did you dreamt about it again?" Sapphira asked worridly.

  I slowly nodded. Tears are now forming on my eyes.

  "Don't worry Lucy. We'll never let that happen. Me, Charles, Wendy, Layla-Sama, the Dragons and even Fairy Tail is here to help you." Sapphira said determinely.

  "You're right, Sapphira. And Master had the right to know this. I'll tell him about this visions later." I stated.

  Sapphira just nodded and smiled. I grabbed some clothes from my closet and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a bath and got dressed. I was wearing a cute black long blouse and shorts. My keys and whip are attached on my belt around my waist. I'm wearing high heeled boots and my hair is fixed in a high ponytail.

  We exited our room and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I cooked bacons, eggs and hotdogs. While serving the food, Wendy and Charles entered the dining room.

  Wendy was wearing a green summerdress and her hair is fixed in a high ponytail.

  "Ohayou ,Lucy-san/Lucy and Sapphira" they said in unison.

  "Ohayou, Wendy and Charles."Me and Sapphira said.

  "Breakfast is served." I said while gesturing to the food.

  They smiled and got seated. We ate breakfast for 15 minutes. After that, we both went to the guild with smiles on our face.

  We entered the guild and got greeted by most of the members. They were as rowdy as usual. We approached Mira asking if Master's here. She nodded and said that he's in his office.

  We knocked on Master's door then came in. We saw master doing paperworks.

  "What do you need, my children?" Master asked us.

  "Master we need to tell you something important." I said in a sad voice.

  Master looked at us and raised an eyebrow. I told every single detail of my nightmare. I saw his eyes widened.

  "Is that a vision or just a nightmare?" Master asked.

  "I don't know, Master." I said.

  "Whether its real or not. We will not let that happen. The guild will help you." Master stated.

  I just nodded.

  With that we left his office. We got seated on a table and chatted. Until the guild door bursted open and we felt a large amount of dark magic emerging from a hooded figure.


Hey guys.. Sorry for another cliffhanger...

I just want to inform you that this story is almost coming to an end. Maybe i'll just add 10 chapters then the finale..

I hope you guys support this story until the end...

And i'm planning on writing 2 other NaLu Fanfiction..

Maybe i'll call the first one, "Lucy's Fate" or "Lucy's Forgotten Love" or something like that.

The second one is "I'm the Runaway Princess" or just simply "Runaway Princess".

I'll just inform you when I started writting it..

Love lots,


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