Chapter 13: Dragon Realm

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Lucy's POV

  We bought 4 tickets to Crystal City. After 5 minutes of waiting, the train finally arrived. We boarded the train and got seated.

Back to Fairy Tail Guild
Master's POV

  I went downstairs and faced the noisy guild. I took a deep breathed and made an announcement.


  I heard gasps and I saw their eyes widened.

  "WHAT?!" Natsu shouted.

  "WHY DID THEY LEAVE?" Gray added.

  "That is because of Lucy's powers." I said more calmly.

  "But why did they have to leave?" Erza said.

  "Because Lucy needs to train her magic. It will be to risky if she wont train her new magic." I said.

  "But why with Stella? She isn't a dragon to train her. I'm a dragon slayer so I had more chance of helping her" Natsu declaired.

  "Stella is more powerful than she looks. She is a very big help to Lucy." I said.

  "But how about Wendy and Charles?" Mirajane asked out of the blue.

  "They volunteered to accompany Lucy. They wanted to make sure that Lucy's alright." I explained.

  "How long will they be gone?" Erza asked.

  "About 2 years." I said.

  "2 YEARS?!" They exclaimed.

  "That long?" Natsu said.

  "Dragon Slayer Magic isn't any type of magic that can be mastered for a year. It usually takes more than 2 years to master." I explained.

  "Argh, I won't be able to see Luce for 2 years." Natsu said while sighing in defeat.

  I feel bad for him. I have a feeling that he won't be the same anymore. Wait, let me rephrase that. I have a feeling that this guild won't be the same anymore. I just wish their training would end earlier than expected. I hate seeing my children like this: Lifeless..

-Timeskip- 5 hours
Lucy's POV

  We finally arrived at the Crystal city. We hurriedly went to the forest at the end of city. After 20 minutes of walking, we finally reached a beautiful waterfall with a lake.

  We entered the cave behind the waterfall. We turned the flashlight that we had. When finally reached the end of the cave, Stella chanted an ancient spell.

  A bright light appeared at the wall. When it finally dimmed down, an opening appeared. We entered the opening and a bright light appeared again.

  When the light disappeared. We we're now at a whole new world. There was island-like floating. Each island has its own habitat. There was one with a volcano, one with a waterfall and so on.

  There's no doubt, we are here at the Dragon Realm


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