Chapter 36: Final Battle

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Lucy's POV

  I felt my body froze and my eyes widened. Because Zeref's eyes were slowly opening, revealing his blood red eyes.

  Natsu, seeing me scared, held my hand. I just squeezed his hand tighter.

  "Don't worry, i'll help you. I won't leave you behind." Natsu whispered.

  I just nodded.

  Finally, Zeref eyes snapped opened. A large amount of dark magic emerging from him. He looked at us, at me. Then smirked evilly.

  "You must be Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. Dragon Princess and strongest Celestial Mage. I'm honored to meet you." He formaly introduced himself.

  I just squeezed Natsu's hand tighter.

  "You really are a complete replica of your mother, Layla Heartfilia." Zeref commented.

  I slowly got up, while Natsu supporting me.

  I told him to stepped back.

  "I thought we were going to face him together?" Natsu frowned.

  "Let me face him first. I promise to ask help if I can't handle him anymore. You are freely to butt in if you think I need help." I said.

  He hesitated at first but agreed. He stepped back.

  I turned my attention back to Zeref.

  "So shall we begin, Princess? Black Mist" he chanted. A thick fog started to surround me. I can't hardly breath. I was coughing, until a felt a presence from behind me. I turned around to be only being hit by the stomach. I stepped back a little. Then someone hitted me on the back, then at my right leg, then at my right arm. I was got hitted many times until I found a perfect time to chant a spell, "Shower of light".

  A magic circle appeared on the top, then it rained ray of lights. It blinded Zeref. I used it as my advantage. "Nature Dragon's Secret Art: Earth Structure" I chanted. The ground beneath him started to shake. It split in two trapping Zeref in between.

  "Oh no you don't, Disperse" he chanted. The ground he is between in suddenly moved allowing him to escape. "Shadow Haunt" I heard him chant. A wave of black shadows made its way to me. I luckily dodged it. "Water Dragon's Whirlpool" I chanted. A huge whirlpool soaked Zeref. He's now wet, but he didn't mind. Just as planned.

  "Lightning Dragon's Thunder Wave" I chanted. A wave of thunder hitted him. He was electrified. "Celestial Dragon's Secret art: Star Glitter" I said. Suddenly stars appeared above us, it started to gather. The stars combined and it became a ray of light that hit Zeref.

  Zeref cough blood. He was on his knees, wiping a trace of blood on his lips.

  "You really think you cab defeat me using that pathetic magic, Death Call" he said. I was suddenly surrounded by a black light. When it made impact on my skin, I screamed because of pain. "Light Guardian" I managed to say. The black light suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by yellow light. I was now on my knees.

  I tried to get up but when I was about to fall and hit the ground, a pair of warm arms caught me. I looked up and saw Natsu.

  "That's it, Lucy. I had enough. I'm tired of seeing you in this situation. Let me help you." Natsu said.

  I slowly nodded. He helped on my feet.

  "Let's do this Natsu. Let's show him what the power of Friendship, Trust, Hope and Love can do." I said. He nodded.

  We held hands. I felt my powers increasing, so does his. We closed our eyes abd chanted the spell.

  "I, Princess of the Dragon" I started.

  "I, Son of the Fire Dragon" Ge continued.

  "Please hear thy call, help us defeat darkness and make way for lightness. Eliminate evil that seeks to conquer the world. And make room for the good that wants to fill the world with love. Dragon's Undying Love" We both chanted.

  We were soon surrounded by yellow light and it hit Zeref that leads to his death. When the light disappeared, we both collapse on the floor. My right hand his left hand collided each other.

  "Natsu, thank u for everything." I whispered before I blacked out.

Normal POV

  Wendy and the others regain conciousness. They all made it to the room that Zeref, Lucy, Natsu and Joshua's fight took place.

  When they reached the room, they gasped. They saw a black haired man, whom the assumed is Zeref, covered in blood. They looked at the far end corner of the room, and there eyes widened. There are two figures lying there lifeless, one blonde and one pinkette. They were covered with blood. There hands collided each other. They immedietly ran to them.

  Wendy looked for a pulse, but she gasped. Tears now falling from her face.


Hello minna..

Lucy and Natsu succeeded on defeating Zeref, but will they die in return??

Stay tuned to find out..

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Love Lots,


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