Chapter 10: Stella's Visit

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Normal POV

  When Lucy lost consiousness, Natsu carried her bridal style to the infirmary. The other guildmates followed. By that time, Wendy is already awake.

  Wendy used her healing magic to heal Lucy.

  "Minna, Lucy-san is alright. She just need rest because of the large amount of magic she used earlier." Wendy exclaimed.

  Everyone felt relieved. Natsu took a seat next to Lucy's bed. He held her hand and never wanting to let go. He was silently praying for Lucy to wake up already, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

  He glance over his shoulder to see Erza, Gray, Mirajane, Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Happy, Charles, Romeo and Master giving him worried looks.

  "She's going to be alright, Natsu" Erza said.

  "Its just i'm really scared. I thought i'm gonna lose her earlier." Natsu said

  "Bunny girls not gonna die that easily." Gajeel commented.

  "Yeah, Lu-Chan is strong." Levy added.

  "I know that. She's one strong girl. Her Lucy Kick hurts like hell." Natsu said with a sad grin.

  "All you have to do is stay strong for her. And protect her at all cost. That Alice might have some comrades." Master said.

  "What did you do to Alice anyway?" Wendy asked.

  "I surrender her to the Magic Council. They'll know what to do with her." Master said.

  "The big question now is why does Alice call Lucy Princess? and more importantly is how does Lucy know Dragon Slayer Magic?" Gray said.

  Wendy and Charles became uncomfortable with Gray's sudden question. Good thing that no one noticed.

  "Let's just wait for her to wake up. For know, let her rest." Master said.

-Timeskip- 2 days since Lucy lost consiousness

  Everyone from the guild is patiently waiting for Lucy to wake up. Wendy always visits her to check her. Erza, Gray and Levy visits her often while a certain Dragon Slayer never left her side since she blacked out.

  They managed to let Natsu out of the infirmary so Lucy can have a peaceful rest without a loud snorring dragon slayer beside her.

  Now, Natsu is sitting at the bar with a frown on his face. He can't stop worrying about Lucy. He was so distracted in his thoughts until the guild doors opened revealing the same blonde haired girl from 3 months ago. The guild went silent that is until Mirajane spoke up.

Natsu's POV

  "Excuse me? Your the same blonde girl from 3 months ago? Umm, Stella right?" Mirajane said awkwardly.

  "Yes, My name is Stella. I came her for Princess Lucy" Stella said calmly.

  Hearing Lucy's name, I became furious. What if she's one of Alice's comrades? What if she is here to hurt Lucy?

  I slammed my fist at the bar. Everyone's attention turned to me.


  "I came here for her." Stella said calmly.


  "No, i'm not an enemy." She said.

  "That's all what they say. I'm telling you this. YOU WON'T HAVE LUCE." I shouted the last part.

  My fist is now covered in fire. I was about to launch an attack until I heard a shout.


  Wendy made her way between us. She spread her arms beside her signaling me to stop the attack.

  "Wendy's right, Natsu. She is not an enemy." Master said.

  I calmed down a bit, enough for the fire in my fist to disappear. I turned my attention back to Wendy. She just smiled at me mouthing 'Thank You, Natsu-san'. She looked back at Stella.

  "Stella, Lucy-san is in the infirmary. I'll accompany you their." Wendy said.

  With that, Wendy and Stella left to go to the infirmary. I didn't waste any time, I followed them. Our other guildmates followed behind.

  When I reached the infirmary, I saw that Stella was now on Lucy's side. Stella held Lucy's hand and chanted some ancient spell and her hand glowed. Not long enough, Lucy also glowed bright yellow.

  When the light dimmed down, the most unexpected thing happen. Lucy's eyes slowly opened revealing her warm hazel orbs.

  "LUCY!" We all shouted.


Sorry in advanced for the late updates of the Future Chapters. Well that is because classes resumed..

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Love lots,


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