Chapter 5: The talk

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Lucy's POV

  'Hmm, he likes you. I'm sure of it.' Stella said using telephaty.

I blushed lightly and looked back at her giving her a I-do-not look.

  'Yeah, if you say so, Princess Lucy.' She said. I just glared at her.

  "Lucy and Wendy, I will be taking my leave now." Stella said.

  "Sure, Take care, Stella. Tell the others Hi for me." I said with a smile.

  With that she left. I just sighed. I hope my true powers will be unlocked before 3 years. Me and the others went downstairs. I can't help but think what will happen.

  "Hey, Luce. Want to go on a job?" Natsu said while putting his arm over my shoulder.

  "Sorry Natsu. I'm not in the mood to go on a job." I said.

  "Aww, fine. Just tell me if you want to go on a job." He said while grinning then left to fight with Gray.

  "Lucy-san are you alright?" Wendy asked me.
  'Can we go sonewhere else to talk about this. Natsu or Gajeel might hear us using their Dragon Hearing.' I said using telephaty. She just nooded and we exited the guild.

  We went to my apartment and locked the door and window. This time Charles decided to accompany us.

  I forgot to tell you. Charles know everything. She didn't bother to join our conversation earlier because she was at the library doing some research about Zeref.

  "Lucy, I understand that you lock the door but the window?" Charles asked.

  "Well, that is because Natsu always go through the window. He never bothered to use the door." I said while sigh

  "So, that means that Natsu-san always barge in here without permission?" Wendy asked.

  "Yeah, and I always tell him to stop that habit but he never listens to me." I said sighing.

  "Tsk, Teenagers this day." Charles said while shaking his head.

  "Hey, What was that suppose to mean!" I asked.

  Wendy just giggled.

  I sighed.

  "Let's just drop the topic, please." I said.

  "Fine. So what were you thinking earlier that you even decline Natsu's offer?" Charles said.

  "I'm just worried." I admitted.

  "Worried of what?" They both said.

  "I'm just worried. What if my powers won't be unlocked in 3 years?" I said.

  "Don't say that. Me and Charles are here for you. We will help you." Wendy said.

  "I know that. Its just that one mistake can lead to Earthland and the Dragon Realm's destruction." I said.

  "Lucy, don't be afraid to make a mistake. A mistake can be fixed if you put your mind and heart to it." Charles said.

  "Yes, its just that i'm really pressured now." I said truthfully.

  "Don't worry, we are here for you. We'll come with you back at the Dragon Realm" Charles and Wendy said in unison.

  "But.. How about the guild? You can't just leave the guild." I said.

  "And we can't just leave you. You might do something stupid." Charles snapped back.

  "HEY?! But seriously, you can't just leave the guild just to come with me." I said.

  "We can't leave you behind. Just let us come, please." Wendy said while using her cutest puppy dog eyes.

  "Ugh, fine." I said while sighing.


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