Chapter 28: Truth Unfold

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Lucy's POV

  "So bunny girl, I have a feeling that you didn't told us the whole story" Gajeel said.

  I just nodded and looked at my feet. My bangs hiding my eyes.

  "Luce, what do you mean?" Natsu asked curiously.

  "What I told you 'were' part of the true story. I never told you the whole story because i'm afraid that you might get involved." I stated.

  "We're your friends, Lu-chan. We will always help you as long as you help us understand. Tell us the whole story." Levy said.

  I nodded.

  "If you want to know the truth, then follow me." I said.

  They looked at each other then nodded. I lead them to a clearing.

  "What are we doing here?" Gray asked.

  I glance on Wendy, Charles and Sapphira whose been giving me worried looks.

  'Are you sure, Lucy-san?' Wendy said through telephaty.

  'They'll find out sooner or later' I answered.

  She just nodded and gave me a we're-here-for-you look.

  I made my way to the middle of the clearing. I took out 3 keys and chanted "I, princess of the dragons, please hear thy call and pass through the gate. Igneel, Metallicana and Grandeeney".

  A large magic circle appeared and 3 dragons came out. The guild, especially Natsu and Gajeel, gasped and eyes widened. They ran to there dragons.

  "IGNEEL, I MISSED YOU!" Natsu exclaimed while hugging the leg of the huge creature.

  "I see you've grown to be a young man" Igneel said while chuckling.

  Natsu just laughed and continued hugging the dragon.

  I turned my gaze to Metallicana and Gajeel.

  "How are you, Metal Lizard?" Gajeel asked.

  "I'm fine. How about you, Hard-Headed Idiot?" Metallicana asked.

  "I'm fine. It's been a long time, isn't it." Gajeel said while chuckling.

  "Yup." Metallicana said.

  They kept on talking like that. Like old friends.

  I looked at Grandeeney and Wendy and saw them laughing and smiling. I was so lost in thoughts until someone fake coughed and snapped me out of my daydreams.

  I looked up to see my guildmates waiting for my answer. Gajeel and Natsu seemed to calmed down, well mostly it was Natsu. They joined the crowd. I looked up to the three dragons.

  "You three should transform to your human forms. We might attract unwanted attention." I suggested.

  They nodded and transformed to their human form. I glance back at my guild mates.

  "Well? care to explain?" Erza said.

  "Umm, y-you s-see. I-Its p-pretty h-hard t-to e-explain." I stuttered.

  I looked down to my feet again.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a concerned Natsu.

  "Don't worry, Luce. We won't judge you and we won't bite." Natsu said while giving a heartfelt grinned.

  I smiled at him and nod.

  Natsu nodded back and stepped few steps backward. I took a deep breath and thinked of the perfect words.

  "Well, first, I'm the Dragon Princess" I said.

  "Ok-Wait, WHAT?!" they shouted.

  "Yes, second, is about Zeref" I said.

  1..2..3 seconds of silence had passed. They seem to be at shock of what I confessed.

  "What about Zeref?" Levy asked seemed to recover from the shock.

  "Zeref is destined to awaken from his deep slumber a few months from now. And i'm the only one who can defeat him" I said.

  "WHAT?!" Natsu shouted.

  Me, Wendy, Gajeel and the dragons needed to covered our ears.

  "But Luce, He's too powerful for you to fight alone." Natsu stated.

  "No, Natsu. I can defeat him. I have to." I said.

  "We are here to help you." He insisted.

  "Well that's the reason I didn't told you. I never wanted for you guys to be dragged in my problems. I don't want you to get hurt because of me." I said while tears flowing on my cheeks. I looked at my feet again.

  Natsu stepped forward. His hand on my chin. He lifted my face until I was looking directly at his onxy eyes. His eyes full of concern and worry.

  "Listen to me, Luce. I will never allow you to face him alone. Whether you like it or not, I will help you." He said while looking directly at me.

  "But-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because of what he did.

  He placed his forehead on mine.

  "I won't let you go through this alone, Luce." he said.

  His words melted me. I can't help but nod slowly.

  He smiled at me, still not removing his forehead on mine. I can hear someone faint and some squeals.

  Realizing that the whole guild was there, I quickly removed my foreahead from his and turned away. A visible blush seen in my face.


A cute NaLu moment to end this chapter...

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