Chapter 16: A New Friend?

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Lucy's POV

  At the party, we got approached by a group of dragons on their human forms.

  "Its nice to see you again, Princess Lucy, Miss Wendy and Miss Charles." A guy around his 30's said. He has pink/salmon hair and onxy eyes. He's the fire dragon, Igneel. Natsu's foster parent.

  "It's nice to see you to, Igneel." I greeted him with a smile.

  A woman around her early 30's approached us. She has dark blue hair and brown eyes. She's the sky dragon, Grandeeney. Wendy's foster parent.

  "Hello, Princess Lucy. And how are you Wendy and Charles?" Grandeeney asked us sweetly.

  "We're doing great, Grandeeney-san. And I missed you so much." Wendy said while hugging Grandeeney. It's like she doesn't want to let go.

  We heard a chuckle. We looked up to see a man around his late 30's, smirking. He has spicky black hair and black eyes. He's the metal dragon, Metallicana. Gajeel's foster parent.

  "Aw, it looks like the little girl missed her mommy." Metallicana said mocking a baby tone.

  I just sweatdropped. He really reminds me of Gajeel.

  "Metallicana, stop bullying the girl." A woman around her early 20's said. She has blue hair and sapphire eyes. She's the water dragon, Aquamarine.

  "Fine." Metallicana growled then pouted.

  "Tsk, You act like a kid" A man around his early 30's commented. He has messy dirty blonde hair and gold eyes. He's the lightning dragon, Blazt.

  "What do you expect from a metal headed idiot." Igneel smirked.

  "What did you just said?" Metallicana growled.

  "You heard me, metal head." Blazt growled back.

   "Will you two idiots stop fighting!" A woman around her late 20's glared at them. She has silver hair and black eyes. She's the snow dragon, Breeze.

  "Yes, madam." the Metallicana and Igneel said.

  They really remind me of Natsu and Gajeel's bickering. They really annoy me sometimes but that's just part of their charm.

  Not long enough, Mama, Stella and the other dragons joined our conversation.

  "Are you enjoying yourselves, Kids?" Mama said.

  We nodded.

  "Well, that's good. Because tomorrow you will start your trainings." Mama said.

  "Already?" I asked.

  Mama just nodded while I pouted in response.

  The other dragons were giggling, chuckling and smirking because if my childness.

  The rest of the night went on smoothly. We were talking and having fun with the dragons, Wendy, Charles and mama.

  Not long enough, the party ended. We went back to our own rooms. I took a quick shower and got dressed in my pajamas. I climbed on my bed and driffted to a dreamless night.

-Timeskip- 7 in the morning

  I woke up due to my alarm clock. I took a bath and got dressed. I was wearing a blue long blouse, shorts, and combat boots. I fixed my hair in a messy ponytail. I attached my key pocket and whip at my belt and went to the dining hall.

  I entered the dining hall to see that Wendy, mama, and Charles are already there. Wendy was wearing a green tank top and a skirt. She wears long socks and shoes. Her hair is fixed in a high ponytail.

  Charles is wearing a pink dress while Mama is wearing a elegant violet ballgown. Her hair is fixed in a bun.

  I sat next to Mama and started eating my breakfast.

  "Are you ready, Lucy, Wendy and Charles?" Mama asked us.

  "Ready as i'll ever be." we said.

  Mama just giggled and continued eating.

  After eating, We went outside the palace. Stella and Grandeeney was there, waiting for us.

  "Lucy, as a celestial mage, you'll master Celestial Dragon Slayer magic first. While Wendy will master her Sky Dragon Slayer magic. Charles will be with her." Mama explained.

  While we nodded.

  "Don't worry, Lucy. I know you'll feel lonely because Wendy and Charles will not be with you. So we thought we find you a friend." Mama said.

  Suddenly, a crystal blue cat made her way to us. She was wearing a light pink dress. Her eyes is sapphire. She went next to mama. My eyes widened when I realized what she is.

  "An EXCEED?!" I exclaimed.


Hehe, Sorry for the cliffhanger..

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