Chapter 18: Spirits trust

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Lucy's POV

Me, Stella and Sapphira finally arrived at Stella's island. We got off her and looked around. The sky was darkish blue, it was full of stars. The island looks like the celestial world. Stella turned back to her human form.

"Princess Lucy, Being a celestial mage means having a strong bond and relationship with your spirits." Stella said.

"Yes" I asked her.

"You should treat your spirits as friends and families, Which I know that you already know." Stella added.

I just nodded.

"Summoning a Celestial Spirit requires a large amount of power. As I observed from the amount of power you have, not including your dragon slaying magic, you can summon 5 spirits at the same time." Stella pointed out.

"Yes, I usually get too weak or faint after summoning 5 spirits at the same time." I confessed.

"Princess Lucy, don't feel to bad about it. Summoning 5 spirits at the same time is really an accomplishment." Stella cheered me up.

"I know." I said.

"Well, Celestial Dragon Slayer also requires a great amount of magical power. It needs concentration." Stella explained.

I just nodded.

"First of all, you need the trust of your Celestial Spirits. You have to be one with them. So, meditate first." Stella instructed.

I did what she said.

I sat on the ground, closed my eyes and started to meditate. I cleared my mind. Thinking of a all the past events in my life. From my birthday, Mama's 'death', Dad's selfishness, Self-studying, practicing spells, making a portal to the Dragon Realm, the reunion with Mama, meeting the dragons and wendy and charles, leaving the realm, meeting Natsu at Hargeon and joining Fairy Tail.

Those memories starter to flood through my mind. Then I started to think of a happy place, and that's Fairy Tail. Just seeing the smile on their faces makes me calmer and happier.

Then a memory of Natsu started to go through my mind. Seeing his idiotic grin and childish behavior makes me smile. I really miss the Baka.

I started to think about my spirits. Their smiles and laughs. How they threat me as a friend and not just an owner. And how we fight together.

I remember how much we've been through. How much they mean to me. And how much they sacrifice for me. To think of it, I trust them with my own life. And I can't live without them.

Not long enough, I felt magic surrounding me. I open my eyes yo see that my body is glowing bright yellow.

My keys glowed and it started to surround me. In a blink of an eye, all my spirits are now surrounding me.

"My dear Lucy, you completed the first stage. That is to be one with us, spirits." Loki said.

"He's right, ebi." Cancer added.

"Besides—" Gemi started

"We know that you can do it." Mini added.

"How are you so sure about that?" I asked with a frown.

"That's because we already trust you. Gomen!" Aries said.

"She's right, moshi-moshi." Sagittarius said.

"Thank you minna." I said with happy tears flowing from my eyes.

My heart softened because of what they said. I can feel that they truly trust me and I trust them as well.

"Punnishment, Hime?" Virgo asked.

"I will never do that to you or to any of you." I exclaimed.

"Tsk, we know that brat." Aquarius snapped.

I just smiled at them. They are truly friends. Not long enough, they disappeared. I turned to look at a proud looking Stella.

"Congratulations, Princess Lucy. You did it at your first attempt. You and Your spirits are truly one now. As Loki said, you completed stage one. Now, you can truly master your Celestial Dragon Magic." Stella explained.



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