Chapter 19: Back at Magnolia

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-Timeskip- 1 year and 3 months later

Lucy's POV

  I finally mastered every Dragon Slaying Magic. And we finished earlier than expected. I also managed to learn different types of magic other than my Dragon Slaying Magic.

  I learned Angel Magic, Rune magic, requip magic, spells, transformation magic, teleportation and many more. And I learned water, fire, metal, wind, nature, lightning, time, space, ice, shadow, celestial, and light dragon slaying magic.

  It only took me 3 weeks to master every element. So I had a lot of time train other kind of magics. I also managed to master my celestial magic.

  Now I can summon all my spirits at once, including the silver ones, plus the celestial spirit king without fainting. And that will only cost 20% of my magic. I can also summon my spirits without using their keys.

  Me and Sapphira really became close. Its like we knew each other for a long time.

  Now me, Sapphira, Wendy and Charles are at the Dragon Castle. Infront of us are all the dragons in there human form and my mama. We are finally going back to Fairy Tail.

  "Princess Lucy, Sapphira, Miss Wendy and Miss Charles, please be careful." Aquamarine said and all of them nodded.

  "We will, Rine. Thanks for worrying." I said.

  Stella and Mama approached me. Mama was holding a red box inside of it was 12 keys with different colors. Every key have gems.

  "Lucy, since your a celestial mage, we made an agreement. We decided to make a key for every each of us. You can summon us when you need our help." Stella explained.

  "It won't be to hard to know which key is which. The key represents the element they use. For example, Stella's key is bright yellow. It has a letter 'S' engraved at the top part of the key." Mama added.

  I just nodded.

  "We'll miss you all." I said while hugging every single one of them.

  Wendy, Charles and Sapphira did the same.

  "Make sure to beat that metal-headed idiot." Metallicana said.

  "Do the same to my dense son." Igneel added.

  I just smiled and nodded.

  "We'll be taking our leave now." I said.

  "Portal to Earthland, appear before me" I chanted.

  A portal appeared. Me, Wendy, Charles and Sapphira entered.

  We where now at the cave behind the waterfall near Crystal City. We hurridly went to train station and bought 4 tickets to Magnolia.

-Timeskip- 5 hours later

  We finally arrived at Magnolia. We exited the train and went to our own houses. We decided to meet at the Magnolia Park after an hour.

  Me and Sapphira went to my apartment. I paid the Landlady the money I owed her. Since I still have a lot of extra money. I decided to buy the apartment.

  I paid her 1,000,00 jewels. We entered the apartment and I started to unpack. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

  I was wearing a blue dress that ended above my knees. It has a pink ribbon at the waist, neckline, sleeves and bottom. I called out Cancer. "Gate of the Crab. I open thee, Cancer." I called out. Cancer appeared and started doing my hair.

  Now my hair has pink highlights and it has curls at the end. I wore a blue cloak, so is Sapphira and we exited my apartment and headed to the Magnolia park.

  When we reached Magnolia Park, Wendy and Charles were already there. They were also wearing cloaks. We approached them.

  "Its time, are you ready guys?" I asked them. They nodded.

  We made our way to the guild

-Back to Fairy Tail-

Erza's POV

  The guild isn't as rowdy as it used to be. But the guild seems to recover slowly. Now Cana resumes drinking, but drinks less. Gray started to strip again, but stops mid way. Natsu grins, but not as wide as before. Mirajane smiles, but it looks fake. Levy started to read again, but not like before. Elfman started to talk about man again, but not like before. And the other guildmembers seems to be back to their usual selves.

  I can see that Natsu had it the hardest. Not long enough, the guild doors burst opened. Revealing 4 hooded figures..


Sorry for the Cliffhanger..

How will the guild react?

And who are hooded figures?

I know its pretty obvious.. hehe

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Love lots,


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