Chapter 11: Awake

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Lucy's POV
  I was in a world of darkness. The last time I remembered is my fight with Alice and Natsu's hug. I was lost in my thoughts when I saw a bright light.

  It was so bright that I need to cover my eyes with my hands. I felt someone held my hand. It was so warm, so full of light magic. I closed my eyes.

  When I opened my eyes, I blinked many times. Adjusting it with the room's light. Stella was the first one I saw. Wendy, Charles and Master was beside her, smiling at me.

  I hugged Stella, Charles and Wendy and I smiled at Master.

  "LUCY!" I heard my guildmates shout. Some have shock expressions while others have relieved faces.

  I looked at them with a confused face.

  "Minna?" I asked.

  Natsu was the first one to recover from the shock. He ran to my side and gave me a bone crashing hug.

  " ne..ed. ai..r" I managed to say.

  "Hehe, sorry Luce." He said while releasing me from the hug. He scratched the back of his head.

  "So, what's all the commotion about?" I asked him.

  "Well, Lucy you're unconsious for 2 days in a row." he said.

  "ok- WAIT, 2 DAYS?" I said.

  "Yeah. You lost a great amount of magic power with your fight with Alice. You needed complete rest to restore your magic power that you consume." Erza explained while walking to me. Gray and the rest of our guildmates was behind her.

  "Speaking of power, Lu-Chan when did you learned Dragon Slayer Magic?" Levy asked, curious to know my answer.

  My eyes widened. I totally forgot that i used my real powers infront of them. I hurriedly thinked of the best excuse that I can think of.

  "What Dragon Slayer Magic are you talking about?" I asked.

I mentally facepalmed. 'Great excuse their, Lucy. Playing dumb is it?' I thought.

  "Wait, Luce. You don't remember anything?" Natsu asked amazed.

  "Not quite." I said.

  I looked at Stella,Wendy, Charles and Master. I mouthed 'help'.

  "Brats, its better if we let her rest. She might be having a short-term memory lost. Let Stella, Wendy and Charles explain what happened." Master announced.

  "But Gramps, I want to spend time with Luce." Natsu whinned.

  "I SAID LET HER REST." Master said with a glare.

  "Aye."Natsu said nervously.

  With that, Natsu and the rest left.


Hey guys,

Sorry for the short chapter..

Been busy with school. We have quarterly exams, ballroom and modern dancing, folk dance,  foundation day, semi-finals, finals..

So many activities and exams so that means I will be oh so busy... Sorry for the late uploads of the future chapters...

Please follow me, read, comment and vote..

Love lots,


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