Chapter 15: Preparation

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Lucy's POV
  I opened the door the leads to the throne room.

  Infront of us stands a woman around her early 30's. She has shiny blonde hair that was fixed in a bun. Warm hazel brown eyes. She was wearing an off-shoulder pink ballgown. A crown with crystal blue diamonds was on her head.

  "MAMA!" I said while running to her and giving her a tight hug.

  "Lucy, as i can see you've grown to be a fine young lady." Mama said while giggling.

  "Yup!" I responded.

  We laughed together. Oh how I missed her.

  Our reunion was ended with a fake cough.

  "Sorry to disturb your little reunion, My Queen." Stella said.

  "It's ok, Stella." Mama said.

  "I-It's nice t-to s-see you, L-Layla-Sama." Wendy stuttered.

  "Wendy, shy as ever. And you've grown a lot since I last see you. So is Charles." Mama said.

  Wendy just giggled while Charles smiled.

  "Layla-Sama, about the awakening of Zeref?" Stella asked.

  There was moment of Silence. I can feel the tense filled the air.

  "We should not talk about that matter now, let's just celebrate the Princess's return. I had prepared a party for your returns. But go to your rooms first to get ready." Mama said.

  Mama gestured two maids to lead us to our rooms. My room was across Wendy's. Charles share's the room with Wendy.

  My room was 5 times bigger than my room at my old apartment. It has an elegant balcony, a walk-in closet full of clothes, a bathroom, a king-sized bed, a study table, a piano, a couch, a coffee table, a tv, a large bookshelf full of books, and a big portrait of me and mama when I was still young.

  I placed my luggage beside the bed. And took a short bath. I covered my body with a towel and entered my walk-in closet. I was stunned. It has a second floor. At the first floor, It was full of ballgowns, dresses, t-shirts, shorts, skirts, gowns, blaziers, tank tops, cocktail dresses, night gowns, pants, leggings, pajamas and many more. While at the second floor,  was also full of shoes likes boots, high heels, flats, sandals, slippers, converse and many more. It has a corner where accessories, make-ups and bags are located. There was also a full-sized mirror.

  I hand picked a beautiful blue cocktail dress. I tried it on. And it perfectly fitted me. As it was personally made for me. The blue cocktail dress was a tube and ends above my knees. It has glitters and blue diamonds at the waist. It perfectly fitted and outlined my curved body. I called out Cancer to fix my hair.

  "Gate of the Crab, I open thee. Cancer!" I chanted. A yellow magic circle appeared and Cancer appeared.

  "What can I do for you, ebi?" Cancer said.

  "Can you fix my hair?"  I asked.

  "Anything for you, ebi" he said and started doing my hair.

  After a few minutes, he was done. Now, My hair more shiny and has big curls at the end. I wore blue high heels and My keys was attached at my dress. I walked out of my room and went to go check on Wendy and Charles.

  I knocked on her door then I opened it. Wendy and Charles were already done. Wendy was wearing a green cocktail dress that ends gracefully above her knees. It has emerald flastered at the top part of the dress. She has her hair in two high pigtails that has curls at the end.

  Charles was wearing a pink gown. It has glitters and gems at the waist. Her tail has a pink ribbon.

  "KAWAII!" I squealed.

  "Er, Lucy-san you look so pretty." Wendy said while blushing. Probably embarass because of the compliment.

  "Yeah, Lucy. You look presentable." Charles commented.

  "Hey?! What was that suppose to mean?!" I snapped back.

  We were interrupted when we heard a knocked at the door. Wendy replied a "Come in". A woman around her early 20's entered. She has brown hair and black eyes. She was wearing a black maid uniform.

  "Princess Lucy, Miss Wendy and Miss Charles, Queen Layla wishes for your presence at the royal ballroom. Please Follow me." With that she lead us to the ballroom.

  We were about to enter but the maid stopped us. She told us that we will be called. We just nooded. Not long enough, we heard the sound of trumpets signaling that it was time for the queen to speak.

  "Greetings, everyone. We are all gathered here to celebrate the return of my only daughter and heir to the throne and her 2 loyal friends. Let us all welcome, Princess Lucy, with her 2 loyal friends. The Sky Dragon Slayer, Miss Wendy Marvell and the exceed, Miss Charles." Mama announced.

  We heard cheers and shouts. The gaurds opened the doors for us. Revealing the enormous and elegant ballroom. It was designed with the theme of pink and blue. My favorite colors.

  The tables was covered with pink cloth while the chairs was covered with blue cloth. The buffet table was full of delicous foods and drinks. There was also a big and beautiful cake.

  The three of us, slowly went down the grand staircase. We heard claps and cheers. I also saw familiar faces. This was truly home from 2 years ago.


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