Chapter 23: Friendly Fight

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Lucy's POV

  "That's it. I can't take it anymore, Luce. I want to see your powers so fight me." Natsu said with determination

  My eyes widened at his sudden idea. But I was really expecting this from his. He never change the past year. I just sighed.

  "Natsu, are you sure?" I asked him.

  "What? Please Luce. I really want to see your powers. Please please please." He said with his cutest puppy dog eyes.

  Oh no, he didn't just gave me those eyes. Ugh, its really hard to resist it. Maybe I can go easy on him...

  "Fine." I said while sighing in defeat.

  "All Right.. I'M ALL FIRED UP!" He said while his body is covered in flames.

  We all went to a clearing. Everyone was cheering on either me or Natsu. I made a rune to make sure nobody will get hurt or involved.

  "Be ready, Luce. I won't go easy on yah." Natsu screamed from across the battle field.

  "Same here." I screamed back.

  As expected, Natsu did the first attack. He charged at me. "Fire Dragon's roar!" Natsu shouted.

  A roar of fire made its way to me.
"Heaven's Shield" I chanted. A bright yellow barrier appeared before me shielding me from Natsu's attack. "Wing Slash of the Fire Dragon!" Natsu shouted. Once again, Fire made its way to me.

  "Celestial Dragon's Roar!" I chanted. A beam of yellow light escaped my mouth and it clashed on Natsu's attack resulting to a huge explosion. The battle ground was filled with smoke. I used this as an advantage.

  I teleported. His back is now facing me. I placed my hand on his back and chanted "Celestial beam". A beam of light escaped my palm and made contact on his back. Natsu flew a few meters and he made contact with the runes.

  He was struggling to get up. But he managed to stand. He was getting ready for another attack but I teleported above him and smacked him on his head enough to make him unconsious.

  I made the runes disappear and I approached Natsu's unconsious body. I placed my hands on his chest and casted "Sky Dragon's healing nature". My hands glowed green.

  Natsu's wounds is now healed and I can now hear his snores. I just smiled at his sleeping figure.

  The other guild members approached us and congratulated me for winning.

  "Lucy, That was awesome. You really showed Flame brain who's boss." Gray said with a smirk.

  "Yah, You really beated him." Gajeel commented.

  "Gee, thanks guys." I said shyly.

  "You did great." Levy said.

  "You're even worthy to be a S-Class Mage." Erza said.

  I just smiled at them sweetly and thanked them for their comments


Sorry for the delayed update..

Been busy with my exams..

Hope you all like it..

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Love Lots,


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