Wedding Sneak Peek

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Lucy's POV

Today will be one of the most memorable moment of my life. Me and Natsu's wedding..

We are all here at the Dragon Realm preparing for the wedding. Come to think of it, 3 hours from now i will be known as Mrs. Dragneel. I just smiled at the thought.

We'll here i'm, at my room getting dress for my own wedding. I exited my bathroom wearing a bathrobe. I took out one of my keys and chanted 'Gate of the Crab. I open thee, Cancer.' A crab with scissors appeared.

"Congratulations, ebi. For this special day, i'll make your hair extra special, ebi.." Cancer said.

"Thanks, Cancer." i said.

Cancer started to my hair. When he was done, my hair is now in a neat bun with some loose strands. I was also wearing a crown.

I closed Cancer's gate. Suddenly, Mira and Lisanna entered my room with a box of make-ups in hand. They were also wearing bathrobes.

"LUCY?! THIS IS IT?!" Mira squealed.

"I'm so happy for you, Lucy." Lisanna also squealed.

"Thanks Lisanna and Mira for all your help." i said.

"Don't thank us just yet. We will make you fabulous.".Mira said with a smirk.

With that they started to do my make-up. They just kept on squealing. When they were done, they weren't kidding when they said that they'll make me fabulous. No, i look stunning. I only have light make up. I look simple but elegant, the way i like it.

I was wearing light pink eyeshadow. My cheeks were pinkish. While my lips were cherry in color. I look beautiful.

After thanking them, they went to help the other girls. I summoned Cancer again to help them with their hairs. I glance at the wall clock and it read 10:30 am, the wedding starts at 12:00 so i have to get ready.

I wore my pinkish wedding ballgown. It has pink diamonds engraved on the top part of the gown. While the bottom part is sprakling due to the glitters on it. It has a ribbon at the waist, at the right part. The gown is long and fully covers my crystal high heels. It comes along with light pink gloves. The gown is designed as a tube. I was wearing a diamond necklace and earrings that fits perfectly with my gown. And my vail is pinkish in color.

I stood at the full length mirror, i was stunning. While admiring myself, i heard a knock at the door. I replied with a come in. The door opened and revealed a group of girls. They looked at me with wide eyes and jaws dropped.

"Lucy-san, you look absolutely stunning." Wendy, my little bride commented. She was wearing a pinkish cocktail dress that ends below her knees.. It has amethyst engraved at the waist of the dress. The bottom part of the dress has glitters. She was wearing pink heels.

"No, you look perfect Lu-Chan." Levy commented. She's one of the brides maid. She was wearing a light blue cocktail dress with sapphires engraved at the top part of the dress. It ends above her knees. She's wearing blue heels.

I smiled at them and looked around. Mira, Lisanna, Erza, Juvia, and Levy are my bridesmaid and maid of honor. There all wearing the same gowns. Wendy is my little bride while Asuka is the flower girl.

Suddenly, The church's bell was heard. Well, its show time. We all hurriedly went to the church. Of course, me, mom and Stella was riding a separate car. Once we reached the church, the trumpets started to be heard. Signaling that the wedding has began.

Normal POV

Partner by partner, they started to walk down the aisle. Gray is partnered by Juvia, she was blushing like mad. Jellal with Erza, she was also blushing. Levy and Gajeel, they were smiling. Elfman and Evergreen, she seems embarrass because Elfman keeps on screaming Man. Lisanna and Bixlow, they were both blushing. Mira and Freed, she was blushing. Romeo and Wendy, she was giggling. And lastly Asuka who was throwing petals of pink roses at the red carpet.

The doors of the church opened, the trumpets started playing. Queen Layla entered, wearing her pink ballgown with amethyst engraved at the waist. Once she seated, the trumpets roared again and the bride entered holding a bouquet of pink roses.

Series of claps were heard. Once she reached the aisle, Natsu, who was wearing a black tuxedo and red tie, offered his hand which she gladly took. Natsu smiled warmly at her.

"We are all gathered here to witness the wedding of Princess Lucy and Prince Natsu. Who ever doesn't agree with this wedding, please speak now or forever hold your silence." The priest said. He received a series of no from the audience.

"Is that so. Natsu Dragneel, do you take Princess Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, in poor and in wealth, in sadness and in happiness?" The priest asked Natsu.

Natsu looked up to Lucy with a smile.

"Yes, i do." Natsu answered.

"And now, do you Princess Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel as your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in poor and in wealth, and in sadness and happiness?" The priest asked Lucy.

"I do." Lucy answered sweetly.

"You may now exchange your vows." The priest said.

"Luce, take this ring as a sign of my undying love for you. I promise infront of all these people and dragons that i will never stop loving you. Now and forever. I love you more than my life, Luce." Natsu said which earned him squeals and awww's from the audience. Natsu placed the ring on Lucy's ring finger.

"Natsu, take this ring as a sign of my endless love for you. Always remember that i will always be here for you. Nothing in this world will make me stop loving you. I love you with all my heart and soul, Natsu." Lucy said while placing the ring at Natsu's ring finger. Another squeal was heard.

"And now i pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the priest said.

Natsu leaned and slowly removed the vail that was covering her face. He leaned forward and closed the gap between them. The kiss was passionate. Once the kiss ended, the audience went wild.

As tradition, Lucy threw the bouquet of pink roses. Unexpectedly, a few stems of pink rose was torn apart from the bouquet while it was in air. The result, Levy, Erza, Wendy, and Evergreen each caught a stem of pink rose while Juvia caught the bouquet. I just giggled. 'Looks like their will be more couple in this guild'. i thought happily.

~Timeskip~ 2 years and a half

I gave birth to a girl. She has pink hair with yellow streaks and dark brown hair. We decided to combine our names. We named her Nashi Dragneel. She's a celestial mage and fire dragon slayer. We decided to not train her other dragon slaying magic until she's ready. And we lived happily ever after..



Someone asked me to make the wedding more detailed so here it is..

I dedicate this chapter to NaLuTheatear and EdrelynChloe

I love you all. And thanks for supporting this story. ↖(^▽^)↗

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does..

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Love lots,


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