Chapter 29: Earthquake

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Lucy's POV

  After the whole confession thingy, Natsu became more protective towards me. He always walk me home, come with me where ever I go, and always ask if i'm alright. He's really annoying me, but its really cute at the same time.

  On the other hand, the girls, especially Mira, keeps on bugging me about the scene. You know the touching of forehead.

  I just sighed. Here i'm sitting on a table at the guild. I was reading a book about Zeref. Now that reminds me, 3 months from now, Zeref will awaken and will cause chaos again. Just thinking about that gives me the chill. I sighed again.

  My thoughts were interrupted when the earth started to shake. The earthquake was really strong, maybe around 6 magnitude. I hurridly exited the guild and saw that the people were running around, finding a safe place.

  I looked around and I saw a little girl crying non stop. And what bothered me is that she was alone. Maybe she got seperated from her mother. She was walking around hoping to find a familiar face.

  My eyes widened when I saw that the tree behind the little girl is about to collapse. I hurriedly ran to her and pushed her out of the way. Luckily I was fast enough.

  The girl was still crying on my arms. I tried my best to cheer her up but failed. Until we were approached by a woman around her 30's. She claimed the girl to be her daughter. She was the real mother because the little girl stopped crying and called her 'mama'. The mother thanked me and left.

  I went back to the guild and made sure everyone was alright. Luckily they only got a few bruises and scratches. The earthquake stopped. I sighed in relief.

  Suddenly, someone entered the guild. It was Stella and she has a serious look on her face.

  "Princess Lucy, Its nice to see you again but i'm afraid I have bad news for you all." Stella said.

  "Bad News?" I asked.


Sorry for the delay..

Been busy with school..

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Love lots,


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