Chapter 38: Happy Ever After...

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~Timeskip~ 1 year after
Lucy's POV

  It's been exactly a year since Natsu confessed to me at the biggest Rainbow sakura tree.

  Today, I'm getting ready to meet Natsu at the exact Rainbow Sakura Tree from last year. I don't know why but he told me to meet him there because he needs to tell me something important. And I don't have a single idea what he needs to tell me.

  When I reached the tree it was already 7 pm. I was wearing a simple pink dress that ends an inch below my knees. My hair on a messy ponytail and i'm wearing pink flats.

  I sat at the bench under the tree, admirring the beautiful stars. While I was looking, I didn't notice someone sat at the bench beside me.

  "There beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." someone spoke.

  I quickly glanced at my side to see my handsome boyfriend, Natsu.

  "Sorry I'm late." he apologized, rubbing the back of his head.

  "No need, I just got here." I said with a warm smile.

  We looked back at the stars. I felt a warm hand on mine. I just laid my head on his left shoulder.

  "You know, Luce. I think I found the perfect girl for me." Natsu said.

  "Really, who?" I asked with a frown.

  "You're such a weirdo.. Its you of course" Natsu said with a chuckle.

  He took something from his pocket. A red box. I looked at it with a shock expression. He slowly got up and kneeled on one leg, infront of me.

  "Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?" he asked.

  He opened the red box, revealing a diamond ring. I suddenly felt something wet on my cheeks. Tears.

  "Yes, you Baka" I finally said.

  He started to jump around screaming how happy he was, while i'm on the other hand was laughing at my husband-to-be.

~Timeskip~ 2 years and a half
  Me and Natsu got married at the Dragon Realm 2 years ago. We already have a daughter, Nashi Dragneel. She has pink hair with yellow streaks, and Dark brown eyes.

   We still lived here in Magnolia, but we visit the Dragon Realm at least once a month.

  Gray and Juvia, Gajeel and Levy and Elfman and Evergreen are married. While Erza and Jellal, who was proved innocent, is already engaged. And lastly Romeo and Wendy is in a relationship. They have been living in peace.

  And We all Lived Happily Ever After..


~The End

  I just want to thank all those who supported me and my stories. Thank you for reading. Thanks for voting and for the good comments.

  I'm really thankful to everyone.  And sorry for the wrong grammar and spellings.

  And I hope you read my next story, Fieldtrip (NaLu Fanfiction)

  Thanks to everyone who supported this story, The Dragon Princess (A NaLu Fanfiction)

I don't own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does...

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Love Lots,


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