Chapter 1: Stella?

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Lucy's POV

  It was just another ordinary day at the Fairy Tail Guild. Everyone was noisy, drinking, fighting, laughing and happy. Everything was normal.

  Here i'm sitting on my favorite spot at the bar. Mirajane greeted me with a beautiful smile.

  "Good Morning, Lucy." Mira said.

  "Good Morning, Mira. Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" I asked her.

  "Sure thing. Just give me a minute." With that she went to the kitchen.

  Not long enough, Mira came in with my drink. After thanking her, she left to greet the others while I started drinking my strawberry milkshake.

  "Good Morning Lucy-san" said a familiar voice.

  "Good Morning Wendy" I greeted her back.

  "You alright, Lucy-san? you look a bit gloomy." Wendy asked.

  "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just bored." I said.

  "Why don't you ask Natsu-san on a job?" She asked.

  "Well, I could. But he's a little to caught up with his fight with Gray." I said while sighing. I glance back to Natsu who was shouting at a half-naked Gray.

  "What did you say?! Ice Princess?!" Natsu said while glaring at Gray

  "What did you call me, Flamehead?!" Gray glared back.

  "Are you deft, Ice breath?!" Natsu shouted.

  "I heard you the first time, Fire freak!"  Gray shouted back.

  They were about to throw a punch at each other but it was block by a now very pissed Erza.

  "Are you two fighting again?" Erza said while giving them a death glare.

  "N..o. Ma..da..m" They answered while trembling in fear.

  "Good" Erza said while giving them one last death glare.

  Me and Wendy were giggling at the sight. Those two are really funny.

  "You feeling better?" Asked Wendy.

  "Much better" I said with a smile.

  Me and Wendy were chatting happily, that is I felt a very familiar magic presence. My eyes widened when I realized who's magic was it. I glance at Wendy who has the same expression.

  I looked around the guild, and they were still noisy as earlier. That means only me and Wendy can feel it.

  Before I could disscuss this manner to Wendy, the guild doors opened. Revealing a girl wearing a blue cloak.

  "STELLA?!" Me and Wendy both exclaimed.



Who is Stella? And why does Lucy and Wendy know her?

Stay tuned to find out...

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